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Does dystonia always include co-contraction? A study of unconstrained reaching in children with primary and secondary dystonia.


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Dystonia is a movement disorder in which involuntary or intermittent muscle contractions cause twisting and repetitive movements, abnormal postures, or both. Excessive co-contraction and abnormalities in the time course of reciprocal inhibition between antagonist groups of muscles are considered to be cardinal features of some types of dystonia and reduced speed of movement is often attributed to involuntary activation of antagonist muscles about a joint. In the present study we describe muscle activity during unconstrained multi-joint reaching movements. Children diagnosed with arm dystonia due to cerebral palsy (CP) or primary dystonia (n=7, 4-16 years, 4 with CP, 3 primary) and similar age healthy subjects pointed alternately to two targets as fast as possible. The children with dystonia showed decreased speed, greater variability, and pauses at targets compared with controls. Decreased speed was mostly due to difficulty in reversing reaching direction, and increased variability was associated with large fluctuations in the duration of the pauses at targets, rather than with variations in the flexion/extension velocity profiles. Surface electromyographic (EMG) activities were examined to assess if the abnormalities observed in the children with dystonia could be explained in terms of increased levels of co-contraction. Unexpectedly, we found that the children with dystonia showed lower levels of co-contraction than the controls during movement, and the pauses at tar-gets were associated with reduced levels of activation rather than with excessive activity in antagonist groups of muscles. Therefore reduced speed of movement during unconstrained reaching may not be due to involuntary activation of the antagonist muscle, and co-contraction of opposing muscles about a joint is not an obligatory feature of multi-joint movement in children with dystonia.
机译:肌张力障碍是一种运动障碍,其中非自愿或间歇性的肌肉收缩会引起扭曲和重复性运动,异常姿势或同时出现这两种情况。拮抗肌之间相互抑制的过度共收缩和时间异常被认为是某些类型的肌张力障碍的主要特征,运动速度降低通常归因于拮抗肌在关节周围的非自愿激活。在本研究中,我们描述了无约束的多关节到达运动期间的肌肉活动。被诊断患有脑瘫(CP)或原发性肌张力障碍的手臂肌张力障碍的儿童(n = 7、4-16岁,4位患有CP,3位原发性肌张力障碍)和年龄相似的健康受试者,应尽可能快地指向两个目标。与对照组相比,肌张力障碍儿童表现出速度下降,变异性更大和在目标处停顿。速度降低主要是由于难以反转到达方向,而可变性增加与目标处的停顿持续时间的较大波动有关,而不是与屈伸速度变化有关。检查了表面肌电图(EMG)活动,以评估在肌张力障碍患儿中观察到的异常情况是否可以通过增加共收缩水平来解释。出乎意料的是,我们发现运动障碍中的肌张力障碍儿童的共收缩水平低于对照组,并且焦油停留时间的减少与激活水平降低有关,而与拮抗肌群的过度活动无关。因此,在不受限制的伸张过程中运动速度降低可能不是由于拮抗肌的不自主激活引起的,而对肌张力障碍患儿来说,相反肌肉在关节周围的共同收缩并不是多关节运动的必然特征。



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