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A systematic review of the management and outcome of toxic epidermal necrolysis treated in burns centres


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Introduction: Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) is a rare condition characterised by mucocu-taneous exfoliation of greater than 30% total body surface area (%TBSA), increasingly being treated in burns centres. The rate of mortality varies significantly in the literature, with recent prospective studies in non-burns centres reporting percentage mortality of approxi-mately 45%. We undertook a systematic review of published studies that included TEN patients treated specifically in burns centres to determine a cumulative mortality rate.Methods: Electronic searches of MEDLINE, EMBASE and The Cochrane Library (Issue 4, 2010) databases from 1966 onwards were used to identify English articles related to the treatment of TEN in burns centres.Results: The systematic literature search identified 20 studies which specifically described patients with TEN grater than 30% %TBSA. Treatment regimens varied amongst studies, as did mortality. The overall percentage mortality of the combined populations was 30%. Risk factors commonly described as associated with mortality included age, %TBSA and delay to definitive treatment.Conclusion: The review highlights the variation between principles of treatment and mor-tality amongst burns centres. It offers a standard that burns centre can use to internationally compare their mortality rates. The review supports the ongoing reporting of outcomes in TEN patients with epidermal detachment greater than 30%.
机译:简介:有毒的表皮坏死症(TEN)是一种罕见的疾病,其特征是粘液性剥脱的总表面积超过了30%(%TBSA),在烧伤中心越来越多地接受治疗。死亡率在文献中有很大不同,最近在非烧伤中心进行的前瞻性研究报告死亡率约占45%。我们对已发表的研究进行了系统的综述,其中包括在烧伤中心专门治疗的10例患者,以确定累积死亡率。方法:从1966年开始使用MEDLINE,EMBASE和Cochrane Library(2010年第4期)数据库的电子搜索进行识别结果:系统文献检索确定了20篇专门描述TEN刨花率大于30 %% TBSA的患者的研究。研究之间的治疗方案不同,死亡率也不同。合并人群的总死亡率为30%。通常被认为与死亡率有关的危险因素包括年龄,TBSA%和确定的治疗延迟。结论:本综述着重介绍了烧伤中心的治疗原则与死亡率之间的差异。它提供了一个标准,供烧伤中心用来在国际上比较其死亡率。该评价支持对表皮脱离大于30%的TEN患者的结果进行持续报道。



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