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Cold spell for heating sector: Last year's lack of cold weather had a negative effect on the portable heating sector


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The portable heating market suffered last year, as the continued lack of cold weather resulted in very little distress purchasing in the high street. "Despite 2003's extended summer, the winter was equally as cold as 2002, but generally brighter and with less rain", says Helen Shaw, De'Longhi's product manager "This has a slightly negative effecton the more 'impulse buy sectors', such as lower end fans and converter heaters - both categories experienced a fall in volume and value. It's interesting to note that when you lookattheyearoverall,fan heaters fared better overall, with consumers buying them during the summer months fortheir cool airfacility," The portable heating sector remains dominated by fan heaters, oil-filled radiators and converters. "The starofthe portable heating market was, again, the oil-filled radiator," says Ms Shaw "The oil-filled radiator sector experienced healthy growth, up 19.2% on volume and 8.5% in value (GfK fiaures forw/e March 2004)."
机译:去年,由于持续缺乏寒冷的天气导致在大街上购买的苦恼很少,便携式供暖市场遭受重创。 De'Longhi产品经理Helen Shaw说:“尽管2003年夏天延长了,冬季却与2002年一样寒冷,但总体上更加明亮,降雨更少。”这对更多的“冲动性购买领域”产生了负面影响。低端风扇和变流器加热器-两者的数量和价值均下降。有趣的是,当您全年看时,风扇加热器的总体情况要好一些,消费者在夏季月份购买它们的原因是其凉爽的空气流通能力。”以风扇加热器,注油散热器和转换器为主导。肖女士说:“便携式供暖市场的重头戏是充满油的散热器,充满油的散热器行业实现了健康的增长,销量增长了19.2%,价值增长了8.5%(2004年3月,GfK值) 。”



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