首页> 外文期刊>Experimental Mechanics >High Frequency Measurements of Viscoelastic Properties of Hydrogels for Vocal Fold Regeneration

High Frequency Measurements of Viscoelastic Properties of Hydrogels for Vocal Fold Regeneration


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This report describes a torsional wave experiment used to measure the viscoelastic properties of vocal fold tissues and soft materials over the range of phonation frequencies. A thin cylindrical sample is mounted between two hexagonal plates. The assembly is enclosed in an environmental chamber to maintain the temperature and relative humidity at in vivo conditions. The bottom plate is subjected to small oscillations by means of a galvanometer driven by a frequency generator that steps through a sequence of frequencies. At each frequency, measured rotations of the top and bottom plates are used to determine the ratio of the amplitudes of the rotations of the two plates. Comparisons of the frequency dependence of this ratio with that predicted for torsional waves in a linear viscoelastic material allows the storage modulus and the loss angle, in shear, to be calculated by a best-fit procedure. Experimental results are presented for hydrogels that are being examined as potential materials for vocal fold regeneration.



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