首页> 外文期刊>European radiology >Percutaneous nephrostomy and antegrade ureteral stenting: technique-indications-complications.

Percutaneous nephrostomy and antegrade ureteral stenting: technique-indications-complications.


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In this review the technique, indication for and complications of percutaneous nephrostomy (PCN) and antegrade ureter stent insertion are described. In the majority of the cases PCN is performed to relieve urinary obstruction, which can be of benign or malignant nature. Another indication for PCN is for treatment of urinary fistulas. PCN can be performed under ultrasound and/or fluoroscopic guidance, with a success rate of more than 90%. The complication rate is approximately 10% for major and minor complications together and 4-5% for major complications only. Percutaneous antegrade double-J stent insertion usually is performed if retrograde ureter stenting has not been successful. However, especially in malignant obstructions, the success rate for antegrade stenting is higher than for retrograde transvesical double-J stent insertion. In the case of severe infection and bleeding after PCN JJ-stent insertion may be contraindicated so long as there is no sufficient concomitant drainage via a PCN . Lower urinary tract dysfunction should be excluded before stent placement. The complication rate is 2-4%. Consequent stent surveillance with regular stent exchange is mandatory.
机译:在这篇综述中,描述了经皮肾造口术(PCN)和顺行输尿管支架置入的技术,适应症和并发症。在大多数情况下,进行PCN可以缓解尿道阻塞,这可能是良性或恶性的。 PCN的另一个适应症是治疗尿瘘。 PCN可以在超声和/或荧光检查的指导下进行,成功率超过90%。对于主要和次要并发症,并发症发生率约为10%,对于主要并发症,并发症发生率仅为4-5%。如果逆行输尿管支架置入术不成功,通常进行经皮顺行双J支架置入术。但是,特别是在恶性梗阻中,顺行支架置入的成功率高于逆行经膀胱双J支架置入的成功率。在PCN插入后严重感染和出血的情况下,只要没有足够的伴随PCN引流,就禁止JJ支架插入。放置支架前应排除下尿路功能障碍。并发症发生率为2-4%。必须定期进行支架更换,以进行随后的支架监视。



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