首页> 外文期刊>European Physical Journal Plus >Kinetic theory of spatially homogeneous systems with long-range interactions: II. Historic and basic equations

Kinetic theory of spatially homogeneous systems with long-range interactions: II. Historic and basic equations


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We provide a short historic of the early development of kinetic theory in plasma physics and synthesize the basic kinetic equations describing the evolution of systems with long-range interactions derived in Paper I. We describe the evolution of the system as a whole and the relaxation of a test particle in a bath of field particles at equilibrium or out of equilibrium. We write these equations for an arbitrary long-range potential of interaction in a space of dimension d. We discuss the scaling of the relaxation time with the number of particles for non-singular potentials. For always spatially homogeneous distributions, the relaxation time of the system as a whole scales like N in d > 1 and like N-2 (presumably) or like e(N) (possibly) in d = 1. For always spatially inhomogeneous distributions, the relaxation time of the system as a whole scales like N in any dimension of space. For 1D systems undergoing a dynamical phase transition from a homogeneous to an inhomogeneous phase, we expect a relaxation time of the form N-delta with 1 < delta < 2 intermediate between the two previous cases. The relaxation time of a test particle in a bath always scales like N. We also discuss the kinetic theory of systems with long-range interactions submitted to an external stochastic potential. This paper gathers basic equations that are applied to specific systems in Paper III.
机译:我们提供了等离子体物理学中动力学理论早期发展的简短历史,并合成了描述第一篇论文中描述的具有长程相互作用的系统演化的基本动力学方程。我们描述了系统的整体演化和弛豫过程。处于平衡状态或不平衡状态的场粒子池中的测试粒子。我们为维数为d的空间中的相互作用的任意远距离电势写这些方程。我们讨论了弛豫时间与非奇异电势的粒子数之间的关系。对于总是在空间上均匀分布的系统,整个系统的弛豫时间在d> 1时类似于N,在d = 1中类似于N-2(大概),或者类似于e(N)(对于d = 1)。整个系统的弛豫时间在空间的任何维度上都像N一样缩放。对于经历从均相到非均相的动态相变的一维系统,我们期望形式为N-delta的弛豫时间为1



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