首页> 外文期刊>European psychiatry: the journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists >Mental health of Dutch peacekeeping veterans 10-25 years after deployment.

Mental health of Dutch peacekeeping veterans 10-25 years after deployment.


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OBJECTIVE: This report describes the mental health of Dutch peacekeeping veterans, 10--25 years after deployment, and its association with deployment-related traumatic events. METHOD: We randomly selected a group of 1046 peacekeeping veterans, who participated in military missions in Lebanon, former Yugoslavia, and various other missions between 1979 and 1997. We sent a questionnaire assessing current levels of psychological distress (Brief Symptom Inventory--BSI), and a questionnaire assessing trauma related to deployment. RESULTS: Psychological data were available for 729 veterans. In 83% of the veterans, no significant psychological distress was found, whereas 17% scored above the BSI cut-off for psychopathology. Interestingly, this percentage was equal to that in a non-patient norm group. CONCLUSION: From this finding we concluded that 10--25 years post-deployment, Dutch peacekeeping veterans do not show more psychological distress than the general Dutch population. In addition, we did not find a significant association between trauma exposure 10--25 years ago and current BSI scores. Moreover, trauma-exposure explained only 9% of the variance in psychological distress. Thus, although military peacekeeping operations may have a strong impact on the lives of soldiers, in this group of veterans they do not seem to have caused severe psychological distress10--25 years after deployment.
机译:目的:本报告描述了荷兰维和退伍军人在部署后10--25年的心理健康状况,以及与部署相关的创伤事件的关系。方法:我们随机选择了1046名维和退伍军人,他们在1979年至1997年期间参加了在黎巴嫩,前南斯拉夫和其他多个特派团的军事任务。 ,以及一份评估与部署相关的创伤的问卷。结果:可获得729名退伍军人的心理数据。在83%的退伍军人中,未发现明显的心理困扰,而17%的心理病理学得分高于BSI临界值。有趣的是,该百分比等于非患者规范组的百分比。结论:根据这一发现,我们得出结论,在部署10--25年后,荷兰维和退伍军人的心理困扰没有比荷兰普通民众多。此外,我们没有发现10--25年前的外伤暴露与当前的BSI评分之间存在显着关联。此外,创伤暴露仅解释了心理困扰变化的9%。因此,尽管军事维和行动可能对士兵的生活产生重大影响,但在这批退伍军人中,他们在部署后10--25年似乎并未造成严重的心理困扰。



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