首页> 外文期刊>International journal of modern physics, D. Gravitation, astrophysics, cosmology >Cosmological implications of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with a dynamical coupling

Cosmological implications of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with a dynamical coupling


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We study the cosmological implications of the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model when the coupling constant is field dependent. The NJL model has a four-fermion interaction describing two different phases due to quantum interaction effects and determined by the strength of the coupling constant g. It describes massless fermions for weak coupling and a massive fermions and strong coupling, where a fermion condensate is formed. In the original NJL model, the coupling constant g is indeed constant, and in this work we consider a modified version of the NJL model by introducing a dynamical field dependent coupling motivated by string theory. The effective potential as a function of the varying coupling (aimed to implement a natural phase transition) is seen to develop a negative divergence, i.e. becomes a "bottomless well" in certain limit region. Although we explain how an lower unbounded potential is not necessarily unacceptable in a cosmological context, the divergence can be removed if we consider a mass term for the couplinglike field. We found that for a proper set of parameters, the total potential obtained has two minima, one located at the origin (the trivial solution, in which the fluid associated with the fields behave like matter); and the other related to the nontrivial solution. This last solution has three possibilities: (1) if the minimum is positive V-min > 0, the system behaves as a cosmological constant, thus leading eventually to an accelerated universe; (2) if the minimized potential vanishes V-min - 0, then we have matter with no acceleration; (3) finally a negative minimum V-min < 0 leads an eventually collapsing universe with a flat geometry. Therefore, a possible interpretation as dark matter (DM) or dark energy (DE) is allowed among the behaviors implicated in the model.
机译:我们研究了Nambu-Jona-Lasinio(NJL)模型在耦合常数与场相关时的宇宙学意义。NJL模型具有四费米子相互作用,描述了由于量子相互作用效应而产生的两个不同相,并由耦合常数g的强度决定。它描述了用于弱耦合的无质量费米子和大质量费米子和形成费米子凝聚体的大质量费米子。在最初的NJL模型中,耦合常数g确实是常数,在这项工作中,我们通过引入由弦理论驱动的动力场相关耦合来考虑NJL模型的修改版本。作为变化耦合函数的有效电位(旨在实现自然相变)被视为产生负发散,即在某个极限区域成为“无底井”。尽管我们解释了在宇宙学背景下,较低的无限势不一定不可接受,但如果我们考虑耦合场的质量项,则可以消除分歧。我们发现,对于一组适当的参数,获得的总电位有两个最小值,一个位于原点(平凡解,其中与场相关的流体表现得像物质);另一个与非平凡的解决方案有关。最后一种解有三种可能性:(1)如果最小值为正V-min>0,则系统表现为宇宙学常数,从而最终导致加速宇宙;(2)如果最小化的电位消失V-min-0,那么我们就有了没有加速度的物质;(3)最后,负最小V-min<0会导致一个具有平坦几何形状的最终坍缩的宇宙。因此,在模型中涉及的行为中,允许可能的解释为暗物质 (DM) 或暗能量 (DE)。



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