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Boost, Don't Baste,'This Prodigious Number of Children'A new modest proposal to honor Darwin's bicentennial


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This year we celebrate the 200th an_niversary of Charles Darwin's birth and the 150th anniversary of his Origin of Species. Ideas about overpopu_lation were central to Darwin's theory that natural selection molds the evolution of organisms by the greater reproductive success of those best-suited to their circumstances in over-crowded populations. Darwin deserves recognition for his insight_ful contributions to evolutionarytheory, but he wasn't the first to notice the importance of the popula_tion problem. In 1729, Jonathan Swift (Fig. 1) wrote an essay called "A Modest Proposal."' When we read that in school as a classic example of satire, we weren't told that it was also a pioneering harbinger of evolu_tionary theory.
机译:今年,我们庆祝查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin)诞辰200周年,以及其物种起源150周年。关于人口过剩的思想是达尔文理论的核心,达尔文理论认为,自然选择会通过在种群过度拥挤的人群中最适合自身情况的更大的繁殖成功来塑造生物体的进化。达尔文因其对进化论的深刻见解而得到认可,但他并不是第一个注意到人口问题的重要性的人。 1729年,乔纳森·斯威夫特(Jonathan Swift)(图1)写了一篇名为“谦虚的建议”的文章。“当我们在学校读到这是讽刺的经典例子时,我们没有被告知这也是进化论先驱的预兆。



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