首页> 外文期刊>European neuropsychopharmacology: the journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology >Pre-training administration of tianeptine, but not propranolol, protects hippocampus-dependent memory from being impaired by predator stress.

Pre-training administration of tianeptine, but not propranolol, protects hippocampus-dependent memory from being impaired by predator stress.


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Extensive research has shown that the antidepressant tianeptine blocks the adverse effects of chronic stress on hippocampal functioning. The current series of experiments extended this area of investigation by examining the influence of tianeptine on acute stress-induced impairments of spatial (hippocampus-dependent) memory. Tianeptine (10 mg/kg, ip) administered to adult male rats before, but not after, water maze training blocked the amnestic effects of predator stress (occurring between training and retrieval) on memory. The protective effects of tianeptine on memory occurred in rats which had extensive pre-stress training, as well as in rats which had only a single day of training. Tianeptine blocked stress effects on memory without altering the stress-induced increase in corticosterone levels. Propranolol, a beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist (5 and 10 mg/kg, ip), in contrast, did not block stress-induced amnesia. These findings indicate that treatment with tianeptine, unlike propanolol, providesan effective means with which to block the adverse effects of stress on cognitive functions of the hippocampus.
机译:广泛的研究表明,抗抑郁药噻庚啶可以阻止慢性应激对海马功能的不利影响。当前的一系列实验通过检查噻庚啶对急性应激诱导的空间(海马依赖性)记忆障碍的影响,扩展了这一研究领域。成年雄性大鼠在水迷宫训练之前(但并非在此之后)施予Tianeptine(10 mg / kg,腹膜内)可阻止捕食者应激(在训练和恢复之间发生)对记忆的记忆消除作用。替尼汀对记忆力的保护作用发生在经过大量预应力训练的大鼠中,以及仅进行了一天训练的大鼠中。 Tianeptine可以阻止应激对记忆的影响,而不会改变应激引起的皮质酮水平的升高。相比之下,普萘洛尔是一种β-肾上腺素能受体拮抗剂(5和10 mg / kg,腹腔注射),并未阻止应激引起的健忘症。这些发现表明,与普萘洛尔不同,天肽碱治疗提供了一种有效的手段来阻断压力对海马认知功能的不利影响。



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