首页> 外文期刊>Evolution: International Journal of Organic Evolution >Comparative population genomics in collinsia sister species reveals evidence for reduced effective population size, relaxed selection, and evolution of biased gene conversion with an ongoing mating system shift

Comparative population genomics in collinsia sister species reveals evidence for reduced effective population size, relaxed selection, and evolution of biased gene conversion with an ongoing mating system shift


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Selfing species experience reduced effective recombination rates and effective population size, which can lead to reductions in polymorphism and the efficacy of natural selection. Here, we use illumina transcriptome sequencing and population resequencing to test for changes in polymorphism, base composition, and selection in the selfing angiosperm Collinsia rattanii (Plantaginaceae) compared with its more outcrossing sister species Collinsia linearis. Coalescent analysis indicates intermediate species divergence (500,000-1 million years) with no ongoing gene flow, but also evidence that the C. rattanii clade remains polymorphic for floral morphology and mating system, suggesting either an ongoing shift to selfing or a potential reversal from selfing to outcrossing. We identify a significant reduction in polymorphism in C. rattanii, particularly within populations. Analysis of polymorphisms suggests an elevated ratio of unique nonsynonymous to synonymous polymorphism in C. rattanii, consistent with relaxed selection in selfing lineages. We additionally find higher linkage disequilibrium and differentiation, lower GC content at variable sites, and reduced expression of genes important in pollen production and pollinator attraction in C. rattanii compared with C. linearis. Together, our results highlight the potential for rapid shifts in the efficacy of selection, gene expression and base composition associated with ongoing evolution of selfing.
机译:自交种的有效重组率降低,种群数量减少,这可能导致多态性的降低和自然选择的效力。在这里,我们使用光照转录组测序和种群重测序来测试自交被子植物Collinsia rattanii(Plantaginaceae)与异型姐妹物种Collinsia linearis的多态性,碱基组成和选择变化。聚结分析表明中间物种存在差异(500,000-1百万年),没有正在进行的基因流,但也证明藤条梭菌进化枝在花的形态和交配系统上仍然是多态的,这表明正在进行的向自交的转变或自交的潜在逆转到异地。我们发现C.rattanii,尤其是在人群中的多态性显着减少。多态性分析表明,藤条梭菌中独特的非同义多义与同义多态的比例增加,这与自交系中的轻松选择相一致。我们还发现与线虫相比,较高的连锁不平衡和分化,可变位点的GC含量较低,以及在藤条花粉生产和授粉媒介吸引力中重要的基因表达降低。在一起,我们的结果突出了与自发进行中的进化相关的选择,基因表达和碱基组成的功效快速变化的潜力。



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