首页> 外文期刊>European neuropsychopharmacology: the journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology >Baseline depression severity as a predictor of single and combination antidepressant treatment outcome: Results from the CO-MED trial

Baseline depression severity as a predictor of single and combination antidepressant treatment outcome: Results from the CO-MED trial


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The objective of this manuscript is to report associations between baseline depressive severity and (1) baseline sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, (2) treatment outcomes, and (3) differential outcomes for three treatment groups. Six hundred and sixty-five outpatients with nonpsychotic, major depressive disorder were prospectively randomized to treatment with either a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) monotherapy (escitalopram plus placebo) or one of two antidepressant medication combinations (bupropion-sustained release plus escitalopram, or venlafaxine-extended release plus mirtazapine). For purposes of these analyses, participants were divided into four groups based on baseline severity by the 16-item Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology - Self-Report (QIDS-SR 16) total score: mild (0-10) [N=81], moderate (11-15) [N=238], severe (16-20) [N=260] and very severe (21-27) [N=67]. Treatment outcomes at 12 and 28weeks were compared among the four severity groups. A history of childhood neglect and/or abuse was strongly associated with the severity of adult depression (1/2 of participants in the very severe group versus 1/5-1/4 of those in the mild group reported abuse and/or neglect). The degree of suicidality (e.g., 15/.4% of the very severe group ever attempted suicide versus none in the mild group), the number of suicide attempts (e.g., mean of .41±1.99 suicide attempts in the severe group versus 0.0±0.0 in the mild group) and severity of suicidality (e.g., 9.2% of participants in very severe group had a plan or made a gesture versus 5.6% in moderate group and none in the mild group) were increased in more severe groups. Participants with a greater baseline depressive severity reported significantly more psychiatric comorbidities (e.g. [at p.05] increased rates of agoraphobia, bulimia, generalized anxiety, hypocondriasis, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, social phobia and somatoform disorder, with 23.9% of participants in the very severe group having reported four or more psychiatric disorders versus 1.2% of the mild group). Combination medication treatments were no more effective in treating severe depressions than was SSRI monotherapy. Remission (61.7% of participants in the mild group achieved remission versus 28.4% in the very severe group) is more difficult to achieve in more severe groups than is response (48.8% of participants in the mild group achieved response versus 58.2% in the very severe group) (p.03). These data may help us to understand the impact of baseline features on antidepressant medication effectiveness and to inform the personalization of depression treatment across the spectrum of depressive severity.
机译:该手稿的目的是报告基线抑郁严重程度与(1)基线社会人口统计学和临床​​特征,(2)治疗结局和(3)三个治疗组的差异结局之间的关联。前瞻性将65例非精神病性重度抑郁症门诊患者随机分配至选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂(SSRI)单一疗法(依西酞普兰加安慰剂)或两种抗抑郁药物联合治疗(安非他酮缓释加依西酞普兰)或文拉法辛延长释放加米氮平)。为了进行这些分析,根据基线严重程度,通过16个项目的抑郁症状快速调查表-自我报告(QIDS-SR 16)将参与者分为四组:轻度(0-10)[N = 81] ,中度(11-15)[N = 238],严重(16-20)[N = 260]和非常严重(21-27)[N = 67]。比较了四个严重程度组在12周和28周时的治疗结果。儿童期忽视和/或虐待的历史与成人抑郁症的严重程度密切相关(非常严重组的参与者有1/2,而轻度组的参与者的1 / 5-1 / 4则报告有虐待和/或忽视) 。自杀程度(例如,极重度组有15 / .4%曾尝试自杀而轻度组未曾有自杀),自杀尝试的次数(例如,重度组中自杀尝试的平均值为.41±1.99与0.0轻度组为±0.0)和自杀的严重程度(例如,重度组中9.2%的人有计划或做手势,中度组为5.6%,轻度组中没有5.6%)。基线抑郁症严重程度较高的参与者报告说,精神疾病合并症明显更多(例如[恐惧率p <.05],广场恐惧症,贪食症,广泛性焦虑症,低眼压症,恐慌症,创伤后应激障碍,社交恐惧症和躯体形式障碍的发生率增加,为23.9报告了四个或更多精神疾病的非常严重组的参与者百分比,而轻度组为1.2%。联合药物治疗对重度抑郁症的治疗没有SSRI单一疗法有效。缓解(轻度组参与者达到缓解的61.7%,极重度组参与者为28.4%)比反应更难实现(轻度组参与者达到48.8%的缓解率,轻度组参与者为58.2%)严重组)(p <.03)。这些数据可以帮助我们了解基线特征对抗抑郁药物疗效的影响,并在抑郁严重程度的整个范围内为抑郁治疗的个性化提供信息。



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