首页> 外文期刊>Evolution: International Journal of Organic Evolution >Indirect methods to estimate gene flow in cave and surface populations of Androniscus dentiger (Isopoda : Oniscidea)

Indirect methods to estimate gene flow in cave and surface populations of Androniscus dentiger (Isopoda : Oniscidea)

机译:间接方法估算印度枝假单胞菌(Androniscus dentiger)洞穴和地表种群中的基因流动(Isopoda:Oniscidea)

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We estimated gene Bow among several populations of the troglophilic woodlouse Androniscus dentiger from central Italy using allozyme data. Estimates of gene Bow were obtained from G(ST), theta, and the private alleles method, after being tested whether the assumption of the population genetic model and the assumption of neutrality of alleles had been met. Hierarchical analysis of gene flow has been used to investigate the geographic scale at which gene exchange can actually occur. Results showed that, independent of the methods, no ongoing gene flow can be detected among populations, even among geographically proximate ones. Genetic drift is likely the main agent shaping the pattern of genetic divergence among these populations. Patterns of past and ongoing gene flow were considered, as surface populations have become genetically isolated more recently than cave populations, In general, all three methods to estimate gene flow provided Nm estimates of the same magnitude. [References: 60]
机译:我们使用同工酶数据估算了意大利中部滋生木虱Androniscus dentiger的几个种群中的Bow基因。在测试了是否满足种群遗传模型的假设和等位基因的中性假设之后,从G(ST),theta和私人等位基因方法获得了Bow基因的估计值。基因流的层次分析已用于调查实际发生基因交换的地理范围。结果表明,与方法无关,在人群中甚至在地理上最接近的人群中都无法检测到正在进行的基因流。遗传漂移很可能是影响这些人群遗传差异模式的主要因素。考虑到过去和正在进行的基因流的模式,因为从表面种群开始比洞穴种群更近的遗传隔离。总的来说,所有三种估算基因流的方法都提供了Nm相同的估算值。 [参考:60]



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