首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Forest Pathology >Intraspecific variation in Heterobasidion annosum for growth in sapwood of Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris.

Intraspecific variation in Heterobasidion annosum for growth in sapwood of Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris.


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Two greenhouse experiments were conducted to study intraspecific variation in growth of H. annosum in living host sapwood. In experiment 1, P. sylvestris and P. abies seedlings were inoculated with H. annosum isolates, 14 each of the S- and P-intersterility groups, collected from various parts of Sweden. In Pinus, the P-group isolates were more virulent than the S-group isolates both in terms of infection frequency, induced mortality rate (p < 0.05), and fungal growth in sapwood (p < 0.05). In Picea, the P-group isolates were also more virulent on average, but the difference was not statistically significant. Both S and P isolates had a higher infection frequency and a significantly longer sapwood growth on Picea than on Pinus. The P-group causedhigher mortality on Pinus than on Picea. The length of the lesion in the inner bark was strongly correlated with fungal growth in spruce, but not in Pinus where the lesions were short or absent. In experiment 2, ten Norway Picea clones were inoculated with 18 S-isolates, originating from nine live-decayed trees and from nine spore-infected stumps in a single P. abies stand. The objective was to test whether any selection for growth rate in sapwood was detectable among individuals of H. annosum originating either from stumps or trees. The results gave no support for such selection since no difference in sapwood growth between the two groups of isolates was found.
机译:进行了两个温室实验,以研究活宿主边材中H. annosum生长的种内变化。在实验1中,用从瑞典各地收集的14个S-和P-不育组中的H. annosum分离株接种樟子松和A. abies幼苗。在松树中,无论是在感染频率,诱导死亡率(p <0.05)还是边材真菌生长(p <0.05)方面,P-群均比S-群更具毒性。在Picea中,P组分离株的平均毒力也更高,但差异无统计学意义。与Pinus相比,Picea上的S和P分离株感染频率更高,边材生长明显更长。 P组在松树上造成的死亡率高于在云杉上。皮内病灶的长度与云杉中的真菌生长密切相关,而皮病短或不存在的松树则与病灶的长短密切相关。在实验2中,用18个S分离株接种了10个挪威云杉克隆,这些分离株来自9个活腐烂的树木和9个经孢子感染的树桩。目的是测试在源自树桩或树木的H. annosum个体中是否可以检测到边材生长速率的任何选择。结果没有支持这种选择,因为没有发现两组分离物之间边材生长的差异。



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