首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society >Polymely of feeding appendages in Tegenavia atvica (Araneae: Agelenidae)

Polymely of feeding appendages in Tegenavia atvica (Araneae: Agelenidae)

机译:Tegenavia atvica(Araneae:Agelenidae)的饲料附属物多头

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Two interesting cases of polymely of the chelicerae were obtained after using thermal shocks in the form of temperatures of 14 and 32 °C acting alternately on spider embryos in the first 10 days of development. An analysis of histological sections made by the paraffin method and stained with haematoxylin and eosin demonstrated changes in the neuromerism of the central nervous system. The chelicerae are the first, comparatively short, pair of cephalic appendages in spiders. They consist of only two joints: the large cylindrical basal joint and the terminal one developed in the form of a claw with the opening of the poison gland. This pair of appendages is innervated by the syncerebrum, which is believed by some arachnologists to have formed as a result of fusion of the protocerebrum and deutocerebrum (Babu & Barth, 1984; Legendre, 1959). As demonstrated by many years' teratological studies of Tegenaria atrica C. L. Koch embryos, the chelicerae, like other prosomal appendages, are subject to variousdevelopmental anomalies (Jacuhski, 1984; Jacunski et al, 2002, 2004). Most frequently these anomalies occur in the structure of the basal joint. However, the shape and size of the claw may also change relatively rarely. These deformities impede food ingestion but are of no major significance for the overall structure of the fore part of the spider's body. Serious complications in the body morphology occur only in the case of absence of the chelicerae or of the presence of an accessory one, which can be caused by disturbances in the metamerism of the germ band. The effects of these anomalies are perceivable in the anatomical structure and architectonics of internal organs, particularly in the structure of the nervous system.
机译:在发育的前10天中,以14和32°C的温度交替作用于蜘蛛胚胎后,以热冲击的形式获得了两个有趣的虎尾兰多聚体案例。对石蜡法制成的组织切片进行分析,并用苏木精和曙红染色,证明了中枢神经系统神经元的变化。蜘蛛嘴是蜘蛛中的第一对较短的头附属物。它们仅由两个关节组成:大的圆柱形基部关节和末端的一个末端呈爪形,并带有毒腺。这对附肢受神经束神经支配,一些种族学家认为这是由于原脑与双脑融合而形成的(Babu&Barth,1984; Legendre,1959)。正如多年生Tegenaria atrica C. L. Koch胚胎的畸变学研究所证明的那样,该鞭毛虫与其他附加体附件一样,会受到各种发育异常的影响(Jacuhski,1984; Jacunski等,2002,2004)。这些异常最常发生在基底关节的结构中。然而,爪的形状和大小也可能相对很少地改变。这些畸形阻碍了食物的摄取,但是对于蜘蛛身体前部的整体结构没有重要意义。仅在没有鳞翅目或伴有附属物的情况下,才会发生严重的身体形态并发症,这可能是由生殖带的同色异谱引起的。这些异常的影响在内部器官的解剖结构和构造学中尤其在神经系统的结构中是可察觉的。



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