首页> 外文期刊>European journal of epidemiology >The Swedish coeliac disease epidemic with a prevailing twofold higher risk in girls compared to boys may reflect gender specific risk factors.

The Swedish coeliac disease epidemic with a prevailing twofold higher risk in girls compared to boys may reflect gender specific risk factors.


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In the mid 1980s the incidence of coeliac disease in Swedish children below 2 years of age increased threefold within a few years, and after a 10-year high incidence period returned equally rapidly to the previous level. Analysing the epidemic with respect to any change in female to male ratio over time, or shift in age at diagnosis, may increase the understanding of coeliac disease aetiology. In a population-based incidence study of childhood coeliac disease, 2151 cases (811 boys/1340 girls) were diagnosed from 1973 to 1997. Incidence rates and relative risks (RRs) were calculated by gender, age at diagnosis and calendar time. Cumulative incidences by age and gender were calculated for different birth cohorts. A twofold higher risk (RR: 1.9, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.7-2.1) for coeliac disease in girls as compared to boys prevailed throughout the epidemic. Further, during the post-epidemic period there was an upward shift in age at diagnosis. So far, however, a majority of the cases diagnosed at older ages belong to birth cohorts of the epidemic period, i.e. cohorts that already had a high coeliac disease risk before 2 years of age. Our results suggest that girls as compared to boys may be genetically more vulnerable to environmental exposures influencing the immunological processes towards coeliac disease. Further, an increased risk for coeliac disease during the first years of life due to, for example, unfavourable infant dietary habits, may result in an increased total childhood risk for coeliac disease. A longer follow-up, even into adulthood, is needed to determine whether or not the lifetime risk has changed.
机译:在1980年代中期,瑞典2岁以下儿童的腹腔疾病发病率在几年内增加了三倍,而在10年的高发期之后,其发病率也迅速恢复到以前的水平。对流行病的男女比例随时间变化或诊断时年龄变化进行分析,可能会增加对腹腔疾病病因学的了解。在一项基于人口的儿童乳糜泻发病率研究中,1973年至1997年诊断出2151例病例(811名男孩/ 1340名女孩)。发病率和相对危险度(RRs)通过性别,诊断时的年龄和日历时间来计算。计算了不同出生队列的年龄和性别累积发生率。在整个流行期间,女孩患腹腔疾病的风险比男孩高两倍(RR:1.9,95%置信区间(CI)1.7-2.1)。此外,在流行后时期,诊断时的年龄在上升。但是,到目前为止,诊断为高龄的大多数病例属于流行期的出生队列,即在2岁之前已经有较高的腹腔疾病风险的队列。我们的结果表明,与男孩相比,女孩在基因上可能更容易受到环境暴露的影响,从而影响腹腔疾病的免疫学过程。此外,例如由于不利的婴儿饮食习惯而在生命的最初几年增加的乳糜泻风险可能导致儿童患乳糜泻的总风险增加。需要进行更长的随访,甚至是成年后才能确定一生的风险是否已改变。



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