首页> 外文期刊>Behavior Genetics: An International Journal Devoted to Research in the Inheritance of Behavior in Animals and Man >Genotype-phenotype association studies of chromosome 8p inverted duplication deletion syndrome.

Genotype-phenotype association studies of chromosome 8p inverted duplication deletion syndrome.


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Individuals diagnosed with chromosome 8p inverted duplication deletion (invdupdel(8p)) manifest a wide range of clinical features and cognitive impairment. The purpose of this study is to employ array CGH technology to define more precisely the cytogenetic breakpoints and regions of copy number variation found in several individuals with invdupdel(8p), and compare these results with their neuropsychological characteristics. We examined the cognitive-behavioral features of two male and two female children, ages 3-15 years, with invdupdel(8p). We noted cognitive deficits that ranged from mild to severe, and adaptive behavior composites that ranged from significantly to substantially lower than adequate levels. CARS scores, a measure of autistic behavior, identified three children with autism or autistic-like features. Three of the four children exhibited attention deficits and hyperactivity consistent with a DSM-IV-TR diagnosis of ADHD. One child showed extreme emotional lability. Interestingly, intellectual disability was not correlated with deletion size, nor was the deletion location associated with the autistic phenotype. On the other hand, the duplication length in 8p21.1/8p22 was associated with cognitive deficit. In addition, a small locus of over-expression in 8p21.3 was common for all three participants diagnosed as autistic. A limitation of the study is its small sample size. Further analyses of the deleted and over-expressed regions are needed to ascertain the genes involved in cognitive function and, possibly, autism.
机译:被诊断患有8p染色体倒置重复缺失(invdupdel(8p))的个体表现出广泛的临床特征和认知障碍。这项研究的目的是利用阵列CGH技术更准确地定义在几名患有invdupdel(8p)的个体中发现的细胞遗传学断点和拷贝数变异区域,并将这些结果与其神经心理学特征进行比较。我们用invdupdel(8p)检验了年龄在3-15岁之间的两个男孩和两个女孩的认知行为特征。我们注意到认知缺陷从轻度到严重不等,适应性行为综合从明显水平到明显低于适当水平。 CARS得分是对自闭症行为的一种度量,它确定了三个患有自闭症或自闭症特征的孩子。四个孩子中的三个表现出注意力缺陷和多动症,与ADHD的DSM-IV-TR诊断一致。一个孩子表现出极端的情感不稳定。有趣的是,智力障碍与删除量无关,删除位置也与自闭症表型无关。另一方面,8p21.1 / 8p22中的重复长度与认知缺陷有关。此外,对于所有三个被诊断为自闭症的参与者,在8p21.3中都有少量的过度表达。该研究的局限性在于样本量小。需要对缺失和过表达的区域进行进一步分析,以确定涉及认知功能和自闭症的基因。



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