首页> 外文期刊>European journal of wildlife research >Time to leave? Immediate response of roe deer to experimental disturbances using playbacks

Time to leave? Immediate response of roe deer to experimental disturbances using playbacks


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Despite frequent exposure to disturbances or threats, some species seem to be successful in human-dominated landscapes. In order to better understand how these species respond to disturbance linked to human activities, we studied the immediate response of roe deer to playback experiments conducted in an agricultural landscape where human activities are omnipresent and hunting is frequent. During two periods of contrasted hunting risk, we performed playback experiments (with dog barks or tractor engine noises) with experimenters that were either stationary or walked towards the deer. We modelled the probability of fleeing immediately after the start of the experiment. The probability of fleeing was around 0.3 when experimenters were located 100 m away from the deer and did not move but was greater when the experimenters were initially closer to the animal or approached closer to the animal during the experiment. Surprisingly, the responses of roe deer did not vary between periods of contrasting risk or in relation to the type of sound played. This study provides experimental evidence of a high level of reactivity of this sedentary species when confronted with disturbance. We argue that this may partly explain its success in human-dominated environments, allowing it to exploit the rich feeding resources provided by agricultural landscapes in a relatively safe way.
机译:尽管经常遭受干扰或威胁,但某些物种在人类主导的景观中似乎很成功。为了更好地了解这些物种如何响应与人类活动相关的干扰,我们研究了to对在人类活动无所不在且狩猎频繁的农业景观中进行的繁殖实验的直接反应。在两个相对较差的狩猎风险期间,我们对静止不动或朝鹿走去的实验者进行了播放实验(带有狗叫声或拖拉机的发动机噪音)。实验开始后,我们立即模拟了逃跑的可能性。当实验者离鹿100 m且不动时,逃跑的可能性约为0.3,但在实验过程中实验者最初靠近动物或靠近动物时逃逸的可能性更大。出人意料的是,between的反应在不同的风险时期或所播放的声音类型之间没有变化。这项研究提供了实验证明,这种久坐不动物种在受到干扰时具有很高的反应性。我们认为,这可能部分解释了它在人类主导的环境中的成功,从而使其能够以相对安全的方式利用农业景观提供的丰富饲料资源。



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