首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa >Management practices and work associated health problems of draught oxen in Adea Liben district, east Shewa zone, Ethiopia.

Management practices and work associated health problems of draught oxen in Adea Liben district, east Shewa zone, Ethiopia.

机译:埃塞俄比亚东部谢瓦地区东部的Adea Liben地区的牛草管理与工作有关的健康问题。

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A cross-sectional study was conducted in Adea Liben district from November 2007 to April 2008 to assess oxen ownership, management practices and work-associated health problems of draught oxen employing questionnaire survey and clinical examination. The survey indicated an average household oxen ownership of 2.68 oxen whereas 10% of the farmers had below a pair. The average training age and service life of oxen were 3.10 and 12.31 years, respectively. Average duration and area of land ploughed per day by oxen pair was 7.3 hrs and 0.35 hectares, respectively with peak working period being 3.52 months. On average, a household possesses 2.8 hectares of land of which only 7% was used for pasture and crop production. Of the total households (n=250) interviewed, 32 (12.8%) responded that their oxen had one or more of work associated health problems. Of the total draught oxen (n=670) included in this study (Survey: n=590; clinical examination: n=80), 115 (17.16%) had work associated health problems with major problems observed in their order of importance being hump sore, injuries of the limbs (hoof and leg) and whip injuries. Work duration significantly (P<0.05) affected the occurrence of hump sore. In clinical examination (n=80), 15(18%) oxen had work associated health problems the major problem being hump and hoof injuries. In conclusion, the study indicated that management problems are the major obstacles hampering optimum oxen use due to factors such as diseases, malnutrition, lack of awareness of farmers towards oxen handling and the use of traditional old harness design.
机译:2007年11月至2008年4月在Adea Liben地区进行了一项横断面研究,通过问卷调查和临床检查来评估牛草稿中牛的所有权,管理实践和与工作相关的健康问题。调查显示,平均家庭牛拥有量为2.68牛,而10%的农户拥有低于一对。牛的平均训练年龄和使用寿命分别为3.10年和12.31年。每天用牛对耕地的平均时间和面积分别为7.3小时和0.35公顷,高峰工作时间为3.52个月。一个家庭平均拥有2.8公顷土地,其中只有7%用于牧场和农作物生产。在接受采访的总家庭中(n = 250),有32个(12.8%)回答说他们的牛有一种或多种与工作有关的健康问题。在这项研究中,牛的总吃水量(n = 670)(调查:n = 590;临床检查:n = 80)中,有115(17.16%)的人患有与工作有关的健康问题,并按重要性顺序观察到主要问题为驼峰。疮,四肢(蹄和腿)受伤和鞭伤。工作时间显着(P <0.05)影响驼峰疮的发生。在临床检查中(n = 80),有15(18%)的牛患有与工作有关的健康问题,主要问题是驼峰和蹄伤。总之,研究表明,由于疾病,营养不良,农民对牛的处理方式缺乏了解以及传统的旧式线束设计等因素,管理问题是阻碍牛最佳使用的主要障碍。



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