首页> 外文期刊>Behavior Genetics: An International Journal Devoted to Research in the Inheritance of Behavior in Animals and Man >The validity of analyses testing the etiology of comorbidity between two disorders: comparisons of disorder prevalences in families.

The validity of analyses testing the etiology of comorbidity between two disorders: comparisons of disorder prevalences in families.


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Klein and Riso proposed several alternative models explaining the causes of comorbidity between two disorders (KR models). For each comorbidity model, they also presented a set of predictions for comparing the prevalence of disorder A-only, disorder B-only, and disorder AB (i.e., both disorders) among the relatives of probands with A-only, B-only, AB and controls (i.e., the KR predictions). Neale and Kendler provided the quantitative expectations for these prevalences (i.e., the NK models) and suggested biometric model fitting as an alternative way of testing comorbidity models. Neale and Kendler also suggested that the KR predictions have limited use because variations in the model parameters may lead to different predictions. We tested the KR predictions on two sets of data simulated under the assumptions of the KR/NK models. The results predicted by Klein and Riso and the results derived from the simulated datasets matched in most cases, but there were several notable discrepancies between the two sets of results. First, these discrepancies may be due to variations in the model parameters although the KR predictions are valid tests of the model for some model parameter sets. Second, several KR predictions may not be valid because they do not consider the necessary conditions for the diagnosis of A-only and B-only or alternative routes to comorbidity that are not hypothesized in their comorbidity model, including the fact that some comorbid cases will result by chance in all comorbidity models.
机译:克莱因(Klein)和里索(Riso)提出了几种替代模型,解释了两种疾病合并症的原因(KR模型)。对于每种合并症模型,他们还提出了一组预测,用于比较仅患有A,仅患有B的先证者的亲属中只有A,B,B两种疾病(即两种疾病)的患病率, AB和控件(即KR预测)。 Neale和Kendler为这些患病率(即NK模型)提供了定量期望,并建议采用生物特征识别模型拟合作为测试合并症模型的另一种方法。 Neale和Kendler还建议,KR预测的用途有限,因为模型参数的变化可能导致不同的预测。我们在KR / NK模型的假设下,在两组模拟数据上测试了KR预测。由Klein和Riso预测的结果与从模拟数据集得出的结果在大多数情况下是匹配的,但是两组结果之间存在一些显着差异。首先,这些差异可能是由于模型参数的变化而引起的,尽管KR预测是某些模型参数集对模型的有效检验。其次,一些KR预测可能是无效的,因为它们没有考虑到在合并症模型中未假设的诊断仅A,仅B或其他合并症的必要条件,包括某些合并症将在所有合并症模型中都是偶然得出的结果。



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