首页> 外文期刊>Behavior Genetics: An International Journal Devoted to Research in the Inheritance of Behavior in Animals and Man >Apomorphine susceptibility and animal models for psychopathology: genes and environment.

Apomorphine susceptibility and animal models for psychopathology: genes and environment.


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Many years ago we found a bimodal distribution of a number of different behaviors in our regular outbred Wistar stock. This was observed in the response to novelty, the response in a resident-intruder test as well as in the stereotypy response to the dopamine agonist apomorphine. On the basis of that, we decided to selectively breed these animals, which resulted in the the APO-SUS and APO-UNSUS lines. The APO-SUS rats show a strong, stereotyped gnawing response, whereas APO-UNSUS show only a weak gnawing response. Follow-up studies have shown that the phenotypical expression of these rats depend on genetic and early and late environmental factors. Because these rats were not selected on the basis of a specific behavioral trait, but rather on the basis of a difference in susceptibility for a specific neurotransmitter, it is not surprising that these animals show major differences in the neurochemical state of the central nervous system. In fact, in many respects they represent mirror images of each other. Moreover, these animals show clear differences in their endocrine and immunological systems. APO-SUS rats can be characterized as having a hyper-reactive hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, and a dominance of the T(H2) system. Apart from discussing the main differences between APO-SUS and APO-UNSUS rats, the review specifically focuses on the former as a potential model for schizophrenia. We have been able to show that APO-SUS rats indeed share a large number of behavioral, neurochemical, endocrinological, and immunological similarities with patients suffering from schizophrenia. Because schizophrenia is also likely to result from an interaction between genetic and early stressful life events, the APO-SUS rat might represent a promising animal model for studying this severe mental disorder.
机译:许多年前,我们在常规远交Wistar种群中发现了多种不同行为的双峰分布。在对新颖性的响应,在常驻入侵者测试中的响应以及对多巴胺激动剂阿扑吗啡的定型响应中都观察到了这一点。在此基础上,我们决定选择性繁殖这些动物,从而产生了APO-SUS和APO-UNSUS品系。 APO-SUS大鼠表现出强烈的,定型的咬人反应,而APO-UNSUS仅表现出较弱的咬人反应。后续研究表明,这些大鼠的表型表达取决于遗传因素以及早期和晚期环境因素。因为不是根据特定的行为特征选择这些大鼠,而是根据对特定的神经递质的敏感性差异来选择这些大鼠,所以这些动物在中枢神经系统的神经化学状态方面显示出重大差异也就不足为奇了。实际上,它们在许多方面代表彼此的镜像。而且,这些动物的内分泌和免疫系统表现出明显差异。 APO-SUS大鼠的特征是具有高反应性下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴,并且在T(H2)系统中占优势。除了讨论APO-SUS和APO-UNSUS大鼠之间的主要区别外,本文还特别关注前者作为精神分裂症的潜在模型。我们已经能够证明,APO-SUS大鼠确实与精神分裂症患者在行为,神经化学,内分泌学和免疫学方面具有大量相似性。由于精神分裂症也可能是遗传和早期应激性生活事件之间相互作用的结果,因此APO-SUS大鼠可能代表了研究这种严重精神障碍的有前途的动物模型。



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