首页> 外文期刊>European journal of medical research. >German-Austrian Recommendations for HIV-therapy in Pregnancy - Common declaration of The German AIDS-society (DAIG), The Austrian AIDS-society (OEAG) as well as The Robert-Koch Institute Berlin (RKI), The German Association of Physicians specialized

German-Austrian Recommendations for HIV-therapy in Pregnancy - Common declaration of The German AIDS-society (DAIG), The Austrian AIDS-society (OEAG) as well as The Robert-Koch Institute Berlin (RKI), The German Association of Physicians specialized


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Anti-retroviral therapy during pregnancy 'd0 The German/Austrian recommendations to optimise prevention of vertical transmission of HIV and to minimise adverse drug effects. In Germany during the last years about 200 HIV infected pregnant women delivered a baby each year, a number that is currently increasing. To determine the HIV-status early in pregnancy voluntary HIV-testing of all pregnant women is recommended in Germany and Austria as part of prenatal care. In those cases, where HIV infection was known during pregnancy, since 1995 the rate of vertical transmission of HIV was reduced to 1-2%. This low transmission rate has been achieved by the combination of anti-retroviral therapy of pregnant women, cesarean section scheduled before onset of labor, anti-retroviral prophylaxis in the newborn and refraining from breast-feeding by the HIV infected mother. In 1998 an interdisciplinary consensus meeting consisting of gynaecologists, infectious disease specialists, paediatricians, pharmacologists, virologists and members of the German AIDS Hilfe (NGO) updated this combined strategy for the first time. A second update became necessary because of new results in research, approval of new anti-retroviral drugs and changes in the general treatment recommendations for HIV infected adults, which are referred to in the pregnancy guidelines. The updating process was started in July 2000 and was finalised in May 2001. In the updated guidelines recommendations for monitoring of HIV infected pregnant women in prenatal care and for preventive procedures for the newborn in delivery room have been included. The guidelines provide new recommendations on the indication and the starting point for anti-retroviral therapy in pregnancies without complications, drugs and drug combinations to be used preferably in these pregnancies and updated information on adverse effects of anti-retroviral drugs. Also the procedures for different scenarios and risk constellations in pregnancy have been specified. With these current guidelines in Germany and Austria the low rate of vertical HIV-transmission should be further maintained.
机译:怀孕期间的抗逆转录病毒疗法德国/奥地利的建议旨在优化预防HIV垂直传播并最大程度地减少药物不良影响。在过去的几年中,德国每年约有200名受HIV感染的孕妇分娩了一个婴儿,这一数字目前正在增加。为了确定怀孕早期的艾滋病毒状况,德国和奥地利建议对所有孕妇进行自愿的艾滋病毒检测,作为产前检查的一部分。在这些情况下,怀孕期间已知感染了艾滋病毒,自1995年以来,艾滋病毒的垂直传播率降低到1-2%。通过孕妇抗逆转录病毒疗法,分娩前安排剖宫产,新生儿预防抗逆转录病毒和避免感染艾滋病毒的母亲避免母乳喂养,可以实现这种低传播率。在1998年,由妇科医生,传染病专家,儿科医生,药理学家,病毒学家和德国AIDS Hilfe(NGO)成员组成的跨学科共识会议首次更新了该联合策略。由于研究的新结果,新抗逆转录病毒药物的批准以及艾滋病毒感染成年人的一般治疗建议发生了变化,因此有必要进行第二次更新,这在怀孕指南中已提及。更新过程于2000年7月开始,并于2001年5月完成。在更新的指南中,建议包括监测产前护理中感染HIV的孕妇以及预防分娩室新生儿的程序。该指南提供了有关在没有并发症的妊娠中使用抗逆转录病毒疗法的适应症和起点,在这些妊娠中优选使用的药物和药物组合的新建议,以及有关抗逆转录病毒药物不良反应的最新信息。还指定了针对怀孕中不同场景和风险星座的程序。根据德国和奥地利的这些现行指南,应该进一步保持垂直HIV传播率较低。



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