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Visual evoked potentials in children with occipital epilepsies.


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The objectives of this study are to see if any visual evoked potential (VEP) differences are present in two forms of occipital epilepsy, childhood epilepsy with occipital paroxysms (CEOP) and symptomatic occipital epilepsy (SOE) with respect to etiology, as CEOP is a benign age- and localization-related idiopathic epilepsy while SOE is a symptomatic form. Nineteen patients with CEOP and 13 patients with SOE were included in the study and P100 potential latency and amplitude values obtained from these patients were compared with the values recorded from normal controls. The amplitude values recorded from the patients with CEOP were significantly high (P=0.033). P100 potential latency values recorded in patients with SOE were significantly long (P=0.028). High amplitude VEP responses were mostly attributed to hyperexcitability of the occipital cortical structures whereas prolonged latency P100 responses were attributed to occipital structural changes.
机译:这项研究的目的是观察在枕型癫痫的两种形式中是否存在视觉诱发电位(VEP)差异:儿童期癫痫性枕性阵发性(CEOP)和症状性枕性癫痫(SOE)的病因,因为CEOP是一种良性年龄和定位相关的特发性癫痫,而SOE是一种有症状的形式。该研究包括19名CEOP患者和13名SOE患者,并将从这些患者获得的P100潜在潜伏期和振幅值与正常对照组记录的值进行比较。从患有CEOP的患者那里记录到的振幅值非常高(P = 0.033)。 SOE患者中记录的P100潜在潜伏期值非常长(P = 0.028)。高幅度的VEP反应主要归因于枕皮质结构的过度兴奋性,而长时间潜伏期的P100响应则归因于枕结构的改变。



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