首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Soil Science >Recovery and dynamics of decomposing plant residue in soil: an evaluation of three fractionation methods

Recovery and dynamics of decomposing plant residue in soil: an evaluation of three fractionation methods


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Our goals in this study were to track the incorporation of plant residue into soil organic matter (SOM) and test the effectiveness of different fractionation methods to evaluate this transformation. We incubated soil amended with C-13-labelled barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) residue and used three fractionation methods based on size (>250, 53-250, 5-53 and 5 mu m) and density ( 1.7 g cm(-3), i.e. light fraction (LF)) and determined its quantity and the rate of C loss or gain or both in these fractions as decomposition progressed. One method was based on size only, another involved density separation followed by size fractionation and a third separated organic matter fractions by size first and then by density. There were significant quantitative differences between the methods for the amount of residue in the fractions, but there was no effect of fractionation method on the rate of change in the residue that comprised the fractions. The density method did not appear to identify all of the most recently added (i.e. least decomposed) residue in the LF or that there was a redistribution of SOM among the fractions. The amount of residue C and the C:N ratio of the residue in the two smallest fractions increased early during the incubation (0-2 months), but subsequently decreased towards the end. The initially small C:N ratio in the clay fraction probably reflects the accumulation of microbial by-products from the rapid decomposition of water-soluble compounds. The subsequent increase and decrease in both residue C and C: N ratio reflects the balance of the accumulation of sorbed water-soluble compounds and dense plant residue fragments and their mineralization over time. We conclude that clay is a sink for residue C (i.e. microbial metabolites) early during decomposition, and that there is a transfer among fractions and mineralization of residue C as decomposition proceeds. These findings indicate that the clay fraction contains a dynamic pool of C that can cycle within short time-scales.
机译:我们在这项研究中的目标是跟踪植物残渣掺入土壤有机质(SOM)中的情况,并测试不同分级方法评估这种转化的有效性。我们用C-13标记的大麦残基对土壤进行了改良,并根据大小(> 250、53-250、5-53和<5μm)和密度(<1.7 g cm)使用了三种分级方法(-3),即轻馏分(LF),并确定其随分解进展的数量和C损失或增加的速率,或同时确定这两者。一种方法仅基于尺寸,另一种方法涉及密度分离,然后进行尺寸分级,第三种方法是先按尺寸然后按密度分离有机物组分。馏分中残留量的方法之间存在明显的定量差异,但分离方法对构成馏分的残留量变化率没有影响。密度法似乎无法识别LF中所有最近添加的(即分解得最少的)残基,也不存在各馏分之间SOM的重新分布。在孵育的早期(0-2个月),两个最小馏分中的残留C量和残留的C:N比有所增加,但随后逐渐减少。粘土级分中最初较小的C:N比可能反映了水溶性化合物快速分解产生的微生物副产物的积累。残留物C和C:N比率的随后增加和减少反映了所吸收的水溶性化合物和致密植物残留物碎片的积累及其随时间矿化的平衡。我们得出的结论是,粘土是分解过程早期残留物C(即微生物代谢产物)的汇,随着分解的进行,馏分之间会发生转移,残留物C会矿化。这些发现表明,粘土级分包含可以在短时间范围内循环的动态C池。



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