首页> 外文期刊>European journal of human genetics: EJHG >Familial Mediterranean fever in the 'Chuetas' of Mallorca: a question of Jewish origin or genetic heterogeneity.

Familial Mediterranean fever in the 'Chuetas' of Mallorca: a question of Jewish origin or genetic heterogeneity.


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Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is a hereditary disease commonly found among Jews, Armenians, Turks and Arabs. Recently, FMF was found in the 'Chuetas', a unique community on the island of Mallorca (Spain). To address the question of their possible Jewish origin, we analysed markers known to be linked to the gene responsible for FMF in Jews (MEFV) in this population. We found that 1/3 of the 16p13.3 chromosomes of the 'Chuetas' FMF patients bore the major ancestral haplotypes (S,S2) and their corresponding M694V and E148Q mutations, displayed by Jews from North Africa. Furthermore, we also detected a novel mutation (L110P) in this community. Yet 2/3 of these patients bore S negative haplotypes and lack the mutations commonly known to cause FMF. These results confirm that at least some of the 'Chuetas' share a common origin with Jews. However, they also provide evidence for the possibility of genetic heterogeneity in this disorder.
机译:家族性地中海热是一种在犹太人,亚美尼亚人,土耳其人和阿拉伯人中常见的遗传性疾病。最近,在马略卡岛(西班牙)的独特社区“ Chuetas”中发现了FMF。为了解决他们可能来自犹太人的问题,我们分析了已知与该人口中犹太人FMF的基因(MEFV)相关的标记。我们发现'Chuetas'FMF患者的16p13.3染色体中有1/3带有主要的祖先单倍型(S,S2)以及它们对应的M694V和E148Q突变,这些突变来自北非的犹太人。此外,我们还在该社区中检测到一个新的突变(L110P)。这些患者中有2/3患有S阴性单倍型,并且缺乏通常引起FMF的突变。这些结果证实,至少有一些“丘塔族人”与犹太人有着共同的血统。但是,它们也为这种疾病中遗传异质性的可能性提供了证据。



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