首页> 外文期刊>European journal of heart failure: journal of the Working Group on Heart Failure of the European Society of Cardiology >Depressive symptoms are prominent among elderly hospitalised heart failure patients.

Depressive symptoms are prominent among elderly hospitalised heart failure patients.


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BACKGROUND: There are limited data on the prevalence of depressive symptoms in hospitalised elderly HF patients and demographic and clinical characteristics associated with depressive symptoms are not known. METHODS: A sample of 572 HF patients (61% male; age 71+/-12 years; LVEF 34%+/-15) was recruited from 17 Dutch hospitals during HF admission. Depressive symptoms were assessed by the CES-D. Demographic, clinical variables and HF symptoms were collected from patient chart and interview. RESULTS: Forty one percent of the patients had symptoms of depression with women significantly more often reporting depressive symptoms than men 48% vs. 36% (chi(2)=8.1, p<0.005). HF patients with depressive symptoms reported more clinical HF symptoms than patients without depressive symptoms. Even after deleting HF related symptoms (sleep disturbances and loss of appetite) from the CES-D scale, 36% of patients were still found to have symptoms of depression. Multivariable logistic regression analyses revealed that depressive symptoms were associated with female gender (odds 1.68, 95% CI 1.14-2.48), COPD (odds 2.11, 95% CI 1.35-3.30), sleep disturbance (odds 3.45, 95% CI 2.03-5.85) and loss of appetite (odds 2.61, 95% CI 1.58-4.33). CONCLUSIONS: Depressive symptoms are prominent in elderly hospitalised HF patients especially in women. Depressive symptoms are associated with more pronounced symptomatology, despite the fact that other indices of severity of left ventricular dysfunction are similar.
机译:背景:住院老年HF患者中抑郁症状的患病率数据有限,尚不清楚与抑郁症状相关的人口统计学和临床​​特征。方法:从HF入院期间从荷兰的17家医院招募了572名HF患者(男性61%;年龄71 +/- 12岁; LVEF 34%+ /-15)。抑郁症状由CES-D评估。从患者图表和访谈中收集人口统计学,临床变量和HF症状。结果:41%的患者有抑郁症状,女性比男性报告抑郁症状的频率要高得多,分别为48%和36%(chi(2)= 8.1,p <0.005)。有抑郁症状的心衰患者报告的临床心衰症状要多于没有抑郁症状的患者。即使从CES-D量表中删除了与HF相关的症状(睡眠障碍和食欲不振)后,仍然发现36%的患者有抑郁症状。多变量logistic回归分析显示,抑郁症状与女性相关(几率1.68,95%CI 1.14-2.48),COPD(几率2.11,95%CI 1.35-3.30),睡眠障碍(几率3.45、95%CI 2.03-5.85) )和食欲不振(赔率2.61,95%CI 1.58-4.33)。结论:老年HF患者中尤其是女性,抑郁症状明显。抑郁症状与更明显的症状相关,尽管事实上左心功能不全的其他严重程度指标相似。



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