首页> 外文期刊>European journal of gynaecological oncology >Role of professional societies in the global battle against gynecologic cancers.

Role of professional societies in the global battle against gynecologic cancers.


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In 2008, Collingridge wrote that "Cancer kills more people than tuberculosis, malaria and AIDs combined and over two-thirds of all deaths occur in low to middle income countries where resources are scant or nonexistent... most of these deaths are needless; if the knowledge and options available today were exploited to their maximum effect, most cancer could be avoided or cured [1]". Among the various opportunities for working together against gynecologic cancer, the role of professional societies has been underdeveloped and under-utilized.Societies usually begin as a loose network of like-minded professionals from a similar geographic region. Over time their activities become more focused and their way of interacting with each other becomes more structured. Eventually these societies develop linkages with other regional, national or international organizations. Given that the members of the societies have both a knowledge and emotional investment in this field, they should be the leaders in their area of interest. In the domain of gynecologic cancers, cervix cancer is by far the most pressing issue. It is the second most common cause of cancer world wide with 500,000 new cases each year and 270,000 deaths. This disease usually occurs where screening is non-existent or poorly managed. Below are some of the domains in which societies that are focused on gynecologic cancer can make an impact [2].



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