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A 14-year-old girl with hyperekplexia having GLRB mutations


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Hyperekplexia manifests as generalized stiffness and an excessive startle reflex to stimuli. It starts in the neonatal period and is transmitted in many cases via autosomal dominant inheritance. The etiology is an abnormality of the glycinergic neurotransmission system that is involved in inhibitory neurotransmission. Aberrations of five genes related to this neurotransmission system have been identified. The patient was a 14-year-old girl with mild mental retardation. None of her family members had a neuromuscular disease. An excessive startle reflex and generalized stiffness were noted immediately after birth and she was diagnosed with epilepsy because epileptic discharges were observed. However, the disease was resistant to various antiepileptic drugs and the startle responses persisted. GLRB gene mutations (R50X/Q216fsx222) were identified, after which the patient was diagnosed with hyperekplexia. The startle reflex improved when clonazepam treatment was initiated. When patients have a persistent startle reflex, it is necessary to consider hyperekplexia, even if epileptic discharges are observed. Only four cases with GLRB mutations, including the present patient, have been reported. To make a definite diagnosis of hyperekplexia, it may be useful to screen for genes that are involved in the glycinergic neurotransmission system.
机译:过度性抽搐表现为全身僵硬和对刺激的过度惊吓反射。它始于新生儿期,在许多情况下是通过常染色体显性遗传途径传播的。病因是参与抑制性神经传递的甘氨酸能神经传递系统的异常。已经确定了与该神经传递系统有关的五个基因的畸变。该患者是一名14岁的轻度智力障碍的女孩。她的家人都没有神经肌肉疾病。出生后立即发现过度的惊吓反射和全身僵硬,由于观察到癫痫发作,她被诊断为癫痫病。然而,该病对多种抗癫痫药有抗药性,并且惊吓反应持续存在。鉴定出GLRB基因突变(R50X / Q216fsx222),此后被诊断为患有高钾血症。开始氯硝西am治疗后,惊吓反射有所改善。当患者出现持续的惊吓反射时,即使观察到癫痫发作也有必要考虑过度抽搐。仅报道了包括本例在内的四例GLRB突变病例。为了确定确诊为多发性上睑下垂,筛选与甘氨酸能神经传递系统有关的基因可能有用。



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