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Eosinophilic granuloma of bone: Two case reports


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Eosinophilic granuloma (EG) is a benign, self-limiting disorder that usually involves a single bone. However, there is a growing evidence that the clinical picture of EG is protean. We report two cases with EG that showed rare presentations. Case 1: A 14-year-old girl complained of headache in the left parietal region for several days. The initial examination was normal. During the next three weeks, her headache was progressive and she noticed a tender swelling on her head. Cranial computed tomography (CT) revealed an osteolytic lesion on the left parietal bone. On magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the lesion corresponded to a tumor that arose from the intradiploic region, and showed both extracranial and epidural extension. She underwent tumor resection and a diagnosis of EG was made on pathological examination. An immunohistochemical study with Ki-67 suggested accelerated growth of the tumor cells. Case 2: A 1.9-year-old boy suddenly complained of a pain in the back and soon had difficulty in walking without help. Several days later, he became unable to sit or walk. On examination, he had spastic paraplegia in addition to painful swelling on the back. A myelogram showed a block just below the T2 vertebra. Chest CT scanning disclosed that a tumor lying posterior to the T2 vertebra was causing marked cord compression and destruction of the posterior elements of the spine. The tumor extended at T1-T3 vertebral levels. He underwent tumor resection and recovered neurological ability. EG should be considered as a differential diagnosis for patients with osteolytic lesions who exhibit aggressive clinical features. ? 2012 The Japanese Society of Child Neurology.
机译:嗜酸性肉芽肿(EG)是一种良性的自限性疾病,通常涉及单个骨骼。但是,越来越多的证据表明,EG的临床表现是蛋白质的。我们报告了两例罕见的EG病例。案例1:一名14岁女孩抱怨左顶叶区域头痛几天。初步检查正常。在接下来的三个星期中,她的头痛逐渐加重,并且注意到头部有轻微的肿胀。颅骨计算机断层扫描(CT)显示左顶骨的溶骨性病变。在磁共振成像(MRI)上,病变对应于从外交区域出现的肿瘤,并显示出颅外和硬膜外扩张。她接受了肿瘤切除术,并经病理检查诊断为EG。 Ki-67的免疫组织化学研究表明,肿瘤细胞的生长加速。案例2:一个1.9岁的男孩突然抱怨背部疼痛,并很快在没有帮助的情况下难以行走。几天后,他无法坐下或走路。检查时,除了背部疼痛性肿胀外,他还患有痉挛性截瘫。脊髓图显示在T2椎骨正下方有一个块。胸部CT扫描显示,位于T2椎骨后方的肿瘤引起明显的脊髓压迫并破坏了脊柱的后部。肿瘤在T1-T3椎骨水平扩展。他接受了肿瘤切除术并恢复了神经功能。对于表现出侵略性临床特征的溶骨性病变患者,应考虑将EG作为鉴别诊断。 ? 2012年日本儿童神经病学会。



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