首页> 外文期刊>Biochimica et biophysica acta. Gene structure and expression >The mammalian gene pecanex 1 is differentially expressed during spermatogenesis

The mammalian gene pecanex 1 is differentially expressed during spermatogenesis

机译:哺乳动物基因pecanex 1在精子发生过程中差异表达

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Using mRNA differential display and cDNA library screening approaches we have identified differential gene expression of pecallex l - a mammalian homologue of pecanex gene frorn Drosophila - in the testes of the rat. Northern blot analyses showed that the transcript is only present in the germ line and not in the somatic cells of the testis, reaching its peak at the pachytene stage of the meiotic prophase. Moreover, nonradioactive in situ hybridization did not detect the expression of the gene in any cell type of the testis other than pachytene spermatocytes. Northern blot assays did not allow the detection of the transcript in nine other tissues. Remarkably, although pecanex exerts a neurogenic role in Drosophila, the transcript was not detectable by Northern blotting in the nervous tissue of adult rats, nor in the brain of neonate and embryonal stages. The protein product of the pecanex I gene was detected by immunoblotting in pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids as well, but not in liver nor brain. From genomic analysis we conclude that, although only one pecanex gene exists in Drosophila, mammalian pecanex I belongs to a gene family with three related genes in different chromosomes. We speculate that pecallex I could play an important role in the testis, related to spermatogenesis. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
机译:使用mRNA差异显示和cDNA文库筛选方法,我们已经在大鼠的睾丸中鉴定了pecallex l的差异基因表达-pecanex基因的果蝇是果蝇。 Northern印迹分析表明,该转录物仅存在于生殖系中,而不存在于睾丸的体细胞中,在减数分裂前期的粗线期达到其峰值。此外,非放射性原位杂交未检测到除粗线精细胞以外的任何睾丸细胞类型中该基因的表达。 Northern印迹测定法不允许在其他九个组织中检测转录本。值得注意的是,尽管pecanex在果蝇中发挥了神经源性作用,但该转录本在成年大鼠的神经组织,新生儿和胚胎期的大脑中都无法通过Northern印迹法检测到。 pecanex I基因的蛋白质产物可通过免疫印迹在粗线精子细胞和圆形精子细胞中检测到,但在肝和脑中均未检测到。从基因组分析,我们得出结论,尽管果蝇中仅存在一个pecanex基因,但哺乳动物pecanex I属于一个基因家族,在不同染色体上具有三个相关基因。我们推测pecallex I可能在睾丸中起重要作用,与精子发生有关。 (c)2005 Elsevier B.V保留所有权利。



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