首页> 外文期刊>European journal of cancer prevention: The official journal of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation (ECP) >Trends in incidence of esophageal and gastric cardia cancer in high-risk areas in China.

Trends in incidence of esophageal and gastric cardia cancer in high-risk areas in China.


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Incidence rates have risen for gastric cardia adenocarcinoma, whereas rates have remained stable for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in many western countries. The aim of this study was to describe and analyze trends in incidence rates for esophageal cancer and gastric cardia cancer in Cixian county, which is one of the high-risk areas for esophageal cancer in China as well as in the world. The data were obtained from the Cixian Cancer Registry, which is a population-based registry. All the data were checked and analyzed using SPSS 11.5. Between the years 1988 and 2003 there were 11,183 cases of esophageal cancer in the county. The age-standardized incidence rate was 168.55 per 100,000. In 1988, the age-standardized incidence rate for male patients was 250.76/100,000; it declined to 160.05/100,000 in 2003, representing a decrease of 36.2%. The age-standardized incidence rate for female patients was 153.86/100,000 in 1988; it declined to 82.55/100,000 in 2003, showing a decrease of 46.3%. A slight decreasing trend was observed during the period, with a yearly decrease of 3.61% in male patients and 3.39% in female patients. For gastric cardia cancer, there were 1654 cases from 1988 to 2003. The age-standardized incidence rate was 25.58 per 100,000. The age-standardized incidence rate for male patients was 13.75/100,000 in 1988; it increased to 28.55/100,000 in 2003, with a yearly increase of 7.65%. The age-standardized incidence rate for female patients was 7.12/100,000 in 1988; it increased to 12.91/100,000, with a yearly increase of 5.44%. A statistically significant increasing trend of gastric cardia cancer was observed during the study period. Cixian county is a geographical region with a very high incidence of esophageal cancer and cardia cancer. The trend in the incidence rates of esophageal cancer had decreased slightly; on the other hand, gastric cardia cancer showed a significantly increased trend in the last 16 years. Detailed epidemiological analyses of demographic trends and risk factors will help to guide future cancer control strategies.
机译:胃card门腺癌的发病率上升,而在许多西方国家,食管鳞状细胞癌的发病率保持稳定。这项研究的目的是描述和分析慈县的食管癌和gastric门癌的发病率趋势,该县是中国乃至世界上高危的食管癌地区之一。数据来自以人口为基础的注册人慈溪癌症登记处。使用SPSS 11.5检查和分析所有数据。在1988年至2003年之间,该县共有11183例食道癌病例。年龄标准化的发病率为100,000.168.55。 1988年,按年龄划分的男性患者的标准发病率为250.76 / 100,000。 2003年下降到160.05 / 100,000,下降了36.2%。 1988年女性患者的年龄标准化发病率为153.86 / 100,000。 2003年下降到82.55 / 100,000,下降了46.3%。在此期间,观察到轻微的下降趋势,男性患者每年下降3.61%,女性患者每年下降3.39%。对于胃to门癌,从1988年到2003年,共有1654例病例。年龄标准化的发生率为25.58 / 10万。 1988年,按年龄分组的男性患者的发病率为13.75 / 100,000。 2003年增加到28.55 / 100,000,年增长率为7.65%。 1988年,女性患者的年龄标准化发病率为7.12 / 100,000。它增加到12.91 / 100,000,年增长率为5.44%。在研究期间观察到胃card门癌的统计学显着增加趋势。磁县是一个地理区域,食道癌和card门癌的发病率很高。食管癌的发病率趋势略有下降。另一方面,在过去的16年中,胃showed门癌呈明显增加的趋势。对人口趋势和危险因素的详细流行病学分析将有助于指导未来的癌症控制策略。



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