
Evaluation of antibiotic therapy following valve replacement for native valve endocarditis.


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We retrospectively evaluated 105 patients at the Mayo Clinic between 1970 and 2006 with native valve endocarditis who underwent acute valve surgery. The objective was to determine if outcomes differed based on whether they had received an antibiotic regimen recommended for native valve endocarditis or one for prosthetic valve endocarditis. Fifty-two patients had streptococcal and 53 had staphylococcal infections. Patients with each type of infection were divided into two groups: the first received postoperative monotherapy (with a beta-lactam or vancomycin), and the second received combination therapy (with an aminoglycoside for streptococcal infection, and gentamicin and/or rifampin for staphylococcal infection). The duration and types of antibiotics given pre- and postoperatively, valve cultures results, antibiotic-related adverse events, relapses, and mortality rates within 6 months of surgery were analyzed. Cure rates were similar regardless of the regimen administered. With the small number of patients in each group, a multicenter study with a larger cohort of patients is needed to better define optimal postoperative treatment regimens in this population.
机译:我们回顾性评估了1970年至2006年间在梅奥诊所(Mayo Clinic)进行了急性瓣膜手术的105例患有天然瓣膜心内膜炎的患者。目的是确定结果是否有所不同,取决于他们是否接受了针对天然瓣膜性心内膜炎推荐的抗生素方案或人工瓣膜性心内膜炎推荐的抗生素方案。 52例患有链球菌,53例患有葡萄球菌感染。每种感染类型的患者分为两组:第一组接受术后单一疗法(使用β-内酰胺或万古霉素),第二组接受联合疗法(针对氨基糖苷用于链球菌感染,而庆大霉素和/或利福平用于葡萄球菌感染) )。分析了手术前后六个月内抗生素的使用时间和类型,瓣膜培养结果,抗生素相关的不良事件,复发和死亡率。无论采用何种方案,治愈率均相似。由于每组患者的数量较少,需要对更多患者进行多中心研究,以更好地确定该人群的最佳术后治疗方案。



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