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Winter Bees & Formic Acid


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Every year in early Spring, beekeepers inspect their hives to find out if and how their bees have made it through the Winter (Figure 1). And every year, many of these beekeepers are in for a rather unpleasant surprise when they discover that a numberof their colonies have not survived the cold season. Varroa destructor remains one of the most significant causes of these colony losses, especially when the winter is exceptionally mild. Keeping your mite counts in check in late Summer, and treating your bees with MAQS* at the right time can prevent these losses. Here's why the late season Varroa treatment is the most important treatment in the year, and why formic acid is the weapon of choice against Varroa
机译:每年春季初,养蜂人都会检查蜂箱,以了解蜜蜂是否以及如何在整个冬季成功繁殖(图1)。每年,当这些养蜂人发现他们的许多殖民地都没有在寒冷的季节幸存下来时,其中的许多人都感到非常不愉快。 Varroa破坏物仍然是造成这些菌落丧失的最重要原因之一,尤其是在冬天异常温和的时候。在夏季末控制螨虫计数,并在适当的时间用MAQS *处理蜜蜂可以防止这些损失。这就是为什么晚期Varroa治疗是一年中最重要的治疗方法的原因,以及为什么甲酸是抗Varroa的首选武器



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