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Splits Varroa: AAore Colonies, Fewer hkites, New Queens — What Could Be Better?

机译:斯普利特·瓦罗亚(Splits Varroa):AAore殖民地,hkite更少,新皇后区-有什么能做得更好?

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At a recent beekeeping meeting the question was asked if a split can be made to help control Varroa. The answer is yes, and the reason is Varroa's dependence on developing bee larvae. Varroa can only reproduce by entering a cell containing a mature larva ready to be capped. Once the cell is capped, Varroa begin to reproduce. They feed on the developing pupa's hemolymph vectoring viruses and ultimately weakening the emerging bee. This cycle then repeats for as long as there are larvae for Varroa to infest. Since more than one mature Varroa will emerge with a single adult bee, eventually the varroa population can overrun the bee population and the colony's viral load will cause extensive disease and ultimate collapse. Depending on the initial level of infestation, this can happen in as short an interval as a single season.
机译:在最近的一次养蜂会议上,有人问是否可以拆分以帮助控制Varroa。答案是肯定的,原因是Varroa依赖于发育的蜜蜂幼虫。 Varroa只能通过进入一个含有准备盖盖的成熟幼虫的细胞来繁殖。盖好细胞后,Varroa开始繁殖。他们以发育中的的血淋巴病毒为食,最终削弱了新生的蜜蜂。然后重复这个周期,直到有幼虫感染Varroa。由于一只成年蜜蜂会出现一个以上的成熟Varroa,最终varroa种群可能会超过蜜蜂种群,并且该殖民地的病毒载量将导致广泛的疾病并最终崩溃。根据最初的侵扰程度,这可能在单个季节的短时间内发生。



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