首页> 外文期刊>European journal of mineralogy >Raman spectroscopy as a tool to study the solubility of CO_2 in magnesium sulphate brines: application to the fluids of Europa's cryomagmatic reservoirs

Raman spectroscopy as a tool to study the solubility of CO_2 in magnesium sulphate brines: application to the fluids of Europa's cryomagmatic reservoirs


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The solubility of CO_2 in water at different temperature and pressure conditions has been studied for more than 150 years because of the common presence of this system in the Earth, and its importance for engineering and in several biological and geological processes. However, there are many contradictions in the literature with regard to the solubility of CO_2 in salt-rich aqueous solutions, and associated effects such as the salting out have been studied in detail for only few salts such as NaCl or Na_2SO_4. In this study we introduce Raman spectroscopy as a useful tool to measure gas solubility in brines. We have obtained the solubility of CO_2 in aqueous solution of MgSO_4 at different concentrations (5 and 17 wt %), in the range of temperatures from 5 to 20 ℃ and pressures up to 50 bar. The results allow one to approach different aqueous reactions and processes that are relevant in geochemical phenomena of some planetary objects. Thus, we have modelled the degassing processes that could occur through the crust of Europa, a satellite of Jupiter.
机译:由于该系统在地球上的普遍存在及其对工程以及在一些生物和地质过程中的重要性,已经研究了在不同温度和压力条件下CO_2在水中的溶解度超过150年。然而,关于CO_2在富盐水溶液中的溶解度,文献中存在许多矛盾,并且仅针对少数盐如NaCl或Na_2SO_4详细研究了诸如盐析的相关影响。在这项研究中,我们介绍了拉曼光谱作为测量盐水中气体溶解度的有用工具。我们获得了在5至20℃的温度和最高50 bar的压力范围内,不同浓度(5和17 wt%)下的CO_2在MgSO_4水溶液中的溶解度。结果使人们可以处理与某些行星物体的地球化学现象有关的不同水反应和过程。因此,我们模拟了木星卫星欧罗巴地壳可能发生的脱气过程。



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