首页> 外文期刊>European journal of mineralogy >Eltyubyuite, Ca_(12)Fe_(10)~3+Si _4O_(32)Cl_6 - the Fe~3+ analogue of wadalite: A new mineral from the Northern Caucasus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia

Eltyubyuite, Ca_(12)Fe_(10)~3+Si _4O_(32)Cl_6 - the Fe~3+ analogue of wadalite: A new mineral from the Northern Caucasus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia

机译:Eltyubyuite,Ca_(12)Fe_(10)〜3 + Si _4O_(32)Cl_6-钒铁矿的Fe〜3 +类似物:一种来自北高加索地区的新型矿物,俄罗斯卡巴尔达-巴尔卡里亚

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Eltyubyuite (IMA2011-022), ideally Ca12Fe~3+10Si4O32Cl6 i.e. the Fe~3+ analogue of wadalite, Ca12Al10Si4O32Cl6, was discovered in altered silicate-carbonate xenoliths in the diatreme facies of ignimbrites in the Upper Chegem caldera, Kabardino- Balkaria, Northern Caucasus, Russia. Eltyubyuite forms light-brown or yellow crystals with tetrahedral habit up to 10 mm across in rondorfite or larnite grains and commonly overgrows wadalite. Associated minerals are hydroxylellestadite, edgrewite-hydroxyledgrewite, chegemite-fluorchegemite, cuspidine, lakargiite, perovskite, kerimasite, srebrodolskite and dovyrenite. Eltyubyuite formed by contact metamorphism of calcareous sediments under sanidinite-facies conditions (T. 800C, P, 1-2 kbar). Electron microprobe analysis (mean of 9 points) gave in weight% (s.d.): SiO2 9.57(0.32), TiO2 0.48(0.27), Al2O3 3.45(1.81), MgO 0.08(0.07), CaO 36.84(0.91), Fe~2O3, Cl 9.60(0.48); O = Cl -2.13, Sum 98.26, and an empirical formula based on 26 cations, Ca12.12Mg0.04Ti0.11Fe9.41Al1.26Si2.98O31.89Cl5.04, which simplifies to Ca12(Fe~3+,Al)11Si3O32Cl5. Electron-back-scattered diffraction yields isometric symmetry, space group I43d (no. 220), a = 12.20(3), V = 1815.85(9) 3, Z = 2. Calculated density and refractive index are 3.349 g/cm3 and 1.85, respectively. The main bands in Raman spectra of eltyubyuite are attributed to [Fe3+O4]5-: 700-710 cm-1 (stretching vibrations), 460-470 cm-1 (bending vibrations), whereas bands, 400 cm-1 are assigned to Ca-O and Ca- [Fe~3+O4]5- vibrations. The mineral is named for the Balkarian village Eltyubyu, which is situated near the type locality. Eltyubyuite has subsequently been found in altered xenoliths within volcanic rocks of Eifel, Germany and Kel' Highland (volcano Shadil-Khokh), Southern Ossetia.
机译:Eltyubyuite(IMA2011-022),理想的是Ca12Fe〜3 + 10Si4O32Cl6,即硅铁矿的Fe〜3 +类似物Ca12Al10Si4O32Cl6,是在卡巴尔达-巴尔卡里亚北部北部Chegem火山口的火成岩的非特质相的硅酸盐-碳酸盐异岩中发现的。俄罗斯高加索地区。硅藻土会形成浅棕色或黄色晶体,四方晶形的晶体在隆多石或拉长岩中的直径可达10毫米,通常会长成瓦达莱。伴生矿物是羟基钙锰矿,钙镁橄榄石-羟基铅锌矿,硅藻土-氟钨矿,cuspidine,lakargiite,钙钛矿,角质岩,srebrodolskite和白云母。钙钛矿相(T. 800C,P,1-2 kbar)下钙质沉积物的接触变质作用形成的Eltyubyuite。电子探针分析(平均9分)以重量%(sd)表示:SiO2 9.57(0.32),TiO2 0.48(0.27),Al2O3 3.45(1.81),MgO 0.08(0.07),CaO 36.84(0.91),Fe〜2O3 ,Cl 9.60(0.48); O = Cl -2.13,总和为98.26,基于26个阳离子的经验公式为Ca12.12Mg0.04Ti0.11Fe9.41Al1.26Si2.98O31.89Cl5.04,其简化为Ca12(Fe〜3 +,Al)11Si3O32Cl5。电子背散射衍射产生等距对称性,空间群I43d(编号220),a = 12.20(3),V = 1815.85(9)3,Z =2。计算的密度和折射率为3.349 g / cm3和1.85。 , 分别。凹凸棒石拉曼光谱的主要谱带归因于[Fe3 + O4] 5-:700-710 cm-1(拉伸振动),460-470 cm-1(弯曲振动),而分配了400 cm-1的谱带Ca-O和Ca- [Fe〜3 + O4] 5-振动。该矿物质以靠近该类型地区的Balkarian村庄Eltyubyu命名。随后,在德国埃菲尔火山岩石和南奥塞梯南部的凯尔高地(Shadil-Khokh火山)的火山岩中发现了斑岩岩。



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