首页> 外文期刊>European journal of mineralogy >Laachite, (Ca,Mn)_2Zr_2Nb_2TiFeO_(14), a new zirconolite-related mineral from the Eifel volcanic region, Germany

Laachite, (Ca,Mn)_2Zr_2Nb_2TiFeO_(14), a new zirconolite-related mineral from the Eifel volcanic region, Germany


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The new mineral laachite was discovered in a sanidinite specimen from the Laach Lake (Laacher See) volcano, Eifel region, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. Associated minerals are sanidine, allanite-(Ce), baddeleyite, haüyne, hedenbergite, intermediate members of the jacobsite-magnetite series, phlogopite, rhodonite, spessartine, tephroite, thorite, zircon, and a pyrochlore-group mineral. Laachite is deep brownish-red, has an adamantine lustre, and is translucent; the streak is brownish red. It forms longprismatic crystals up to 0.02 × 0.04 × 0.5 mm, which are present as random intergrowths and twins in cavities within sanidinite. The density calculated from the empirical formula is 5.417 g/cm~3. The mean refractive index calculated from the Gladstone-Dale relationship is 2.26. The Raman spectrum shows the absence of hydrogen-bearing groups. The chemical composition is (electron microprobe, mean of 5 analyses, wt. %): CaO 4.29, MnO 9.42, FeO 5.73, Y_2O_3 2.56, La_2O_3 2.00, Ce_2O_3 6.37, Nd_2O_3 2.22, Al_2O_3 0.99, ThO_2 7.75, TiO_2 10.98, ZrO_2 19.39, Nb_2O_5 27.82, total 99.52. The empirical formula based on 14 O atoms is:(Ca_(0.66)Mn_(0.37)Th_(0.25)Y_(0.20)La_(0.11)Ce_(0.34)Nd_(0.11))(Zr_(1.36)Mn_(0.64))(Nb_(1.81)Ti_(1.19))(Fe_(0.69)Al_(0.17)Mn_(0.14))O_(14.00). The simplified formula, taking into account the structural data, is: (Ca,Mn)_2(Zr,Mn)_2Nb_2TiFeO_(14). Laachite is monoclinic, space group C2/c, a = 7.3119(5), b = 14.1790(10), c = 10.1700(7)?, b = 90.072(2)°, V = 1054.38(1)? 3, Z = 4. The crystal structure was solved using single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. Laachite is a monoclinic analogue of zirconolite-3O, CaZrTi_2O_7, with Nb dominant over Ti in the octahedral sites Nb1 and Nb_2 and Fe dominant in a site with four-fold coordination. The strongest lines of the powder Xray diffraction pattern [d, ? (I, %) (hkl)] are: 4.298 (22) (022), 2.967 (100) (20-2, 202), 2.901 (59) (042), 2.551 (32) (15-1, 151, 240, 004), 1.800 (34) (24-4, 244), 1.541 (24) (37-1, 371), 1.535 (23) (20-6, 206), 1.529 (23) (046).
机译:在德国莱茵兰-普法尔茨州埃菲尔地区的拉奇湖(Laacher See)火山的绢云母标本中发现了新的矿物拉奇特。伴生矿物为山梨酸,尿囊石(Ce),baddeleyite,haüyne,hedenbergite,雅科贝-磁铁矿系列的中间成员,金云母,rhodonite,spessartine,球铁矿、,石,锆石和烧绿石族矿物。孔雀石为深棕红色,具有金刚烷光泽,半透明。条纹为棕红色。它形成长至0.02×0.04×0.5 mm的长棱晶,以无规共生体和孪晶的形式存在于Sanidinite的空腔中。根据经验公式计算出的密度为5.417g / cm〜3。根据Gladstone-Dale关系计算的平均折射率为2.26。拉曼光谱表明不存在含氢基团。化学成分为(电子探针,5次分析的平均值,wt。%):CaO 4.29,MnO 9.42,FeO 5.73,Y_2O_3 2.56,La_2O_3 2.00,Ce_2O_3 6.37,Nd_2O_3 2.22,Al_2O_3 0.99,ThO_2 7.75,TiO_2 10.39,ZrO ,Nb_2O_5 27.82,总计99.52。基于14个O原子的经验公式为:(Ca_(0.66)Mn_(0.37)Th_(0.25)Y_(0.20)La_(0.11)Ce_(0.34)Nd_(0.11))(Zr_(1.36)Mn_(0.64)) (Nb_(1.81)Ti_(1.19))(Fe_(0.69)Al_(0.17)Mn_(0.14))O_(14.00)。考虑到结构数据,简化公式为:(Ca,Mn)_2(Zr,Mn)_2Nb_2TiFeO_(14)。孔雀石为单斜晶,空间群为C2 / c,a = 7.3119(5),b = 14.1790(10),c = 10.1700(7)?, b = 90.072(2)°,V = 1054.38(1)? 3,Z = 4。使用单晶X射线衍射数据解析晶体结构。孔雀石是锆石3O的单斜晶类似物CaZrTi_2O_7,在八面体位点Nb1和Nb_2中Nb优先于Ti,而在四重配位位点Fe占优势。粉末X射线衍射图的最强线[d ,? (I,%)(hkl)]是:4.298(22)(022),2.967(100)(20-2,202),2.901(59)(042),2.551(32)(15-1,151, 240、004),1.800(34)(24-4、244),1.541(24)(37-1、371),1.535(23)(20-6、206),1.529(23)(046)。



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