首页> 外文期刊>European journal of mineralogy >Archaeometric study of the hopper-rubber and rotary Morgantina-type volcanic millstones of the Greek and Roman periods found in the Aeolian archipelago (southern Italy)

Archaeometric study of the hopper-rubber and rotary Morgantina-type volcanic millstones of the Greek and Roman periods found in the Aeolian archipelago (southern Italy)


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A comprehensive investigation and classification of volcanic millstones of the Greek and Roman periods found on three islands of the Aeolian archipelago (Lipari, Salina and Filicudi) has been reported. Most of the analysed hopper-rubber (Olynthiantype) and rotary (Morgantina-type) millstones are made up by basaltic andesite and andesite lavas belonging to the medium-K and high-K calc-alkaline series. Among the andesite group we also identified one millstone made of a cordierite-bearing andesite lava. In addition, three latites (shoshonitic series), two hawaiites (Na-alkaline series) and one tholeiitic/transitional basaltic andesite have been found. Modal mineralogy, petrography and major and trace element chemistry of the millstones are consistent with a provenance from the Aeolian archipelago and Sicily. The Aegean colonization of the Aeolian archipelago led to the manufacture of the hopperrubber millstones through the local exploitation of Lipari lavas, whereas the rotary Morgantina-type mills represent quarrying sites of Lipari itself, Vulcano Island and Sicily (Etna and the Iblean Mountains). An intrusive, two-mica granodiorite rotating hand mill has also been identified among the archaeological artefacts under study, and a possible provenance from Capo Vaticano (Calabria) has been argued. The localization of the sites of quarrying and provenance of the artefacts highlights that the rotary millstone trade in southern Italy should have begun from the third century BCE, which is the period to which the Morgantina-type mills have been dated.
机译:据报道,对在风沙群岛的三个岛屿(利帕里,萨利纳和菲利库迪)上发现的希腊和罗马时期的火山磨石进行了全面调查和分类。所分析的漏斗-橡胶(奥林斯型)和旋转式(摩根提纳型)磨石大部分由玄武岩安山岩和安山岩熔岩组成,属于中K和高K钙碱性系列。在安山岩组中,我们还确定了一种由含堇青石的安山岩熔岩制成的磨石。此外,还发现了三个latite(肖肖尼铁矿系列),两个hawaiite(钠-碱性系列)和一个tholeitic /过渡玄武岩安山岩。磨石的模态矿物学,岩石学以及主要和微量元素化学与风沙群岛和西西里岛的物产相一致。通过对利帕里熔岩的本地开采,风神群岛的爱琴海殖民化导致了制造橡胶磨石,而旋转式Morgantina型碾磨机则代表了利帕里本身,伏尔卡诺岛和西西里岛(埃特纳火山和伊布尔山)的采石场。在研究的考古文物中,还发现了一种侵入性的两云母花岗闪长岩旋转手磨机,据称卡波·梵蒂冈(Calabria)可能出处。采石场和手工艺品出处的本地化表明,意大利南部的旋转磨石贸易应从公元前三世纪开始,这是摩根蒂纳式磨坊的历史。



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