首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Agronomy >Yields and N uptake of barley and ryegrass from soils with added animal manure differing in straw and urine content.

Yields and N uptake of barley and ryegrass from soils with added animal manure differing in straw and urine content.


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Cattle manure with high, medium, or low proportions or no urine + straw stored for 3-6 months were applied in amounts corresponding to 120 kg N ha-1 in spring or autumn 1993 to a sandy loam at Askov and a coarse sand at Lundgard, Denmark. Barley cv.Alexis and Lolium perenne cv. Borvi were grown in 1993-94 and 1993-95. Barley was harvested at maturity and the wintering ryegrass was cut three times in the second year. Additional mineral N in the form of 15N-labelled mineral fertilizer (50 kg N ha-1)was added to all barley plots at sowing in spring. Non-manured plots receiving only the 15N-labelled mineral fertilizer were included. Manure without urine + straw contained more NH4-N than the other manures and spring incorporation of this manure gavethe highest dry matter yield and N uptake by barley. When manure without urine + straw was applied in autumn, the yield and N uptake were increased only on the sandy loam. On the coarse sand, the NH4-N was probably leached as NO3-N during the winter. Thethree manures with urine + straw did not affect barley grain yield or total N uptake. Thus these manures did not mineralize nor immobilize measurable quantities of N in the first growth period. On the sandy loam, the patterns of N uptake in ryegrass indicated an increased availability of manure N during the second growth period. The availability of N from the 15NH415NO3 was similar in all plots when manures were applied in spring. Less 15N was taken up by the spring barley when manure was added in autumn compared with crops given 15NH415NO3 only. Thus short-term effects of N in cattle manure stored with or without urine + straw are low. For soils low in mineral N such manures may potentially reduce crop N uptake.
机译:在1993年春季或秋季,将高,中,低比例或没有尿液+秸秆的牛粪肥(分别存储3-6个月)以相当于120 kg N ha-1的量施用于Askov的沙壤土和Lundgard的粗沙,丹麦。大麦亚历克西斯(Alexis)和黑麦草(Perium)简历Borvi于1993-94年和1993-95年生长。大麦成熟时收获,第二年将越冬的黑麦草切了三遍。在春季播种的所有大麦田中,都添加了以15N标记的矿物肥料(50 kg N ha-1)形式的其他矿质氮。包括仅接受15N标记的矿物肥料的非肥料地块。没有尿液和秸秆的肥料比其他肥料含有更多的NH4-N,并且春季掺入该肥料能获得最高的干物质产量和大麦对氮的吸收。秋季施用无尿+秸秆的肥料时,仅在砂壤土上增加了产量和氮素吸收。在粗砂上,冬季可能将NH4-N淋溶为NO3-N。尿+稻草三种肥料不影响大麦籽粒产量或总氮吸收量。因此,这些肥料在第一个生长期没有矿化也没有固定数量的N。在沙质壤土上,黑麦草中的N吸收模式表明在第二个生长期中肥料N的利用率增加。在春季施肥时,所有土地中15NH415NO3的氮素有效性均相似。与仅施用15NH415NO3的农作物相比,秋季添加肥料时,春季大麦吸收的15N较少。因此,在有或没有尿液+稻草的情况下,牛粪中氮的短期影响均较低。对于矿物质氮含量低的土壤,此类肥料可能会减少作物对氮的吸收。



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