首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Agronomy >Cotton yield and fiber quality affected by row spacing and shading at different growth stages

Cotton yield and fiber quality affected by row spacing and shading at different growth stages


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Carbohydrate production and reproductive structure development in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) depends on light availability, a determinant of cotton yield. Light availability is decreased by cloud cover or self-shading when cotton plants are grown in dense populations. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of shading during cotton growth and its interactions with plant row spacings on yield and fiber quality. Three independent experiments were conducted as follows: in Paranapanema (23 degrees 39'S; 48 degrees 58'W), cotton was planted in November in row spacings of 0.45, 0.75 and 0.96m; in Primavera do Leste (15 degrees 33'S; 54 degrees 11'W), planting was in January with at row spacings of 0.45 and 0.76 m; and in Chapaddo do Ceu (18 degrees 38'S; 52 degrees 40'W), cotton was planted in February in rows spaced at 0.45 and 0.90 m. Plants were exposed to shading during the phenological stages B1 (floral bud), F1 (early flowering), PF (peak flowering) and 3OB (fruit maturity). In addition, there was one treatment without shade. There were no interactions of crop spacing with shading. Increasing plant population and shading both decreased net photosynthetic rate. The number of bolls m(-2) increased with higher plant populations only when planting was delayed, and were not affected by shading. When cotton was planted in November and January, higher yields were obtained at 0.75/0.76 m, but when planting was delayed to February, 0.45 m resulted in higher yields with no effect on fiber quality. Shading for eight or ten days decreases boll weight and yields, but do not affect fiber quality. Cotton yield is the most decreased when shading occurs during flowering. These results may be used to build management strategies to minimize shading effects by adjusting cotton sowing time and plant density, by selecting cultivars with increased shade tolerance and by choosing an adequate irrigation period to improve yield. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:棉花(陆地棉)的碳水化合物生产和生殖结构发育取决于光的可利用性,而棉花是棉花产量的决定因素。当棉花植物在人口稠密的地区生长时,由于云层覆盖或自遮蔽而降低了光的利用率。这项研究的目的是评估棉花生长期间的遮光及其与行距之间的相互作用对产量和纤维品质的影响。进行了三个独立的实验,如下所示:在Paranapanema(23度39'S; 48度58'W)中,棉花于11月以0.45、0.75和0.96m的行距种植;在Primavera do Leste(南纬15度;西纬54度),1月份播种,行距为0.45和0.76 m;在Chapaddo do Ceu(南纬18度38度;北纬40度40度),二月份以0.45和0.90 m的行距种植棉花。在物候期B1(花蕾),F1(早开花),PF(峰值开花)和3OB(果实成熟)期间,使植物暴露于阴影下。另外,有一种治疗没有阴影。作物间距与阴影之间没有相互作用。植物种群的增加和遮荫都降低了净光合速率。仅在播种延迟时,铃铃m(-2)的数量会随较高的植物种群而增加,并且不受阴影影响。在11月和1月播种棉花时,单产为0.75 / 0.76 m,但播种推迟到2月,0.45 m导致单产较高,而对纤维质量没有影响。遮荫八天或十天会降低棉铃重和产量,但不会影响纤维质量。开花期发生遮荫时,棉花产量下降最多。这些结果可用于建立管理策略,以通过调节棉花播种时间和植物密度,选择具有更高遮荫耐受性的品种以及选择适当的灌溉时期以提高产量来最大程度地减少遮荫影响。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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