首页> 外文期刊>European Heart Journal: The Journal of the European Society of Cardiology >Thirty years ago Juan C. Kaski moved almost 7000 miles to work on his research: Emma Wilkinson talks to him about finding your feet in a new country

Thirty years ago Juan C. Kaski moved almost 7000 miles to work on his research: Emma Wilkinson talks to him about finding your feet in a new country

机译:三十年前,胡安·卡斯基(Juan C. Kaski)移动了将近7000英里从事研究工作:艾玛·威尔金森(Emma Wilkinson)与他交谈,希望在新的国家找到自己的脚

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There is a multitude of reasons why a young cardiologist might move to work abroad. Some want to experience a different culture, for others it is a specific institution which attracts them. For Prof. Juan Carlos Kaski, head of the Cardiovascular Sciences Research Centre at St George's, University of London it was a very single-minded determination to work with a world leader on a very specific area of research.The young Argentinian had trained in Buenos Aires and was working as a cardiology registrar and investigating the role of coronary artery spasm in angina. Realising that he would not get far enough with this emerging area of research in his home country he wrote to the Italian cardiologist Prof. Attilio Maseri at the University of Pisa who was carrying out exciting research, asking to join his group.
机译:年轻的心脏病专家可能会出国工作有多种原因。有些人想体验不同的文化,而另一些人则是吸引他们的特定机构。对于伦敦大学圣乔治心血管科学研究中心负责人胡安·卡洛斯·卡斯基(Juan Carlos Kaski)教授来说,与一位世界领先者合作开展一个非常具体的研究领域是一个非常坚定的决心。这位年轻的阿根廷人曾在布宜诺斯艾利斯接受过培训Aires and当时是心脏病登记员,负责调查冠心病痉挛在心绞痛中的作用。意识到自己在祖国的这一新兴研究领域还远远不够,他写信给比萨大学的意大利心脏病学家Attilio Maseri教授,他正在进行令人兴奋的研究,并要求加入他的小组。



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