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A Porter analysis of the corn-genetics industry


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It's called "industry on a page." It's also hailed as misleadingly simple and absolutely brilliant in the same breath. Starting in the late 1970s, Michael Porter of Harvard Business School (Boston, MA) devised a simple diagrammatic method to understand almost any complex industry. The concept is hypnotically simple. Those planning for the future should not be overwhelmed by grinding detail. Instead, by focusing on just five aspects of an industry, one can grasp the nature and degree of competition within that industry, as well as the potential for profit. Some advocate Porter's method as the first step to planning growth or to searching for new industries. Our Porter analysis of the corn-genetics industry may illustrate the brilliance—or absurdity—of this controversial method (Figure 1). Let's examine Porter's five forces.
机译:它称为“页面上的行业”。同时,它也被誉为具有误导性的简单功能和绝对出色的功能。从1970年代后期开始,哈佛商学院(马萨诸塞州波士顿)的迈克尔·波特(Michael Porter)设计了一种简单的图表方法,以了解几乎所有复杂的行业。这个概念在催眠上很简单。那些为未来做的计划不应被细化的细节所淹没。相反,仅关注行业的五个方面,就可以掌握该行业内竞争的性质和程度以及获利的潜力。一些人主张波特的方法是计划增长或寻找新行业的第一步。我们对玉米遗传学行业的Porter分析可能说明了这种有争议的方法的辉煌(或荒谬)(图1)。让我们研究一下波特的五种力量。



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