首页> 外文期刊>European eating disorders review >Effects of an internet-based prevention programme for eating disorders in the USA and Germany -A Meta-analytic Review

Effects of an internet-based prevention programme for eating disorders in the USA and Germany -A Meta-analytic Review


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A cross-cultural comparison of a cognitive-behavioural, Internet-based, 8-week prevention programme for eating disorders (StudentBodies?) evaluated in the USA and in Germany was performed. Six US and four German randomized controlled trials with a total (N) of 990 female high school and college students were included in the review. Two of the US and two of the German trials explicitly addressed high risk samples in a selective prevention approach. Effect sizes for main outcomes (disordered eating, weight and shape concerns) were calculated at postintervention and at follow-up. The intervention was associated with moderate improvements in eating disorder-related attitudes, especially reductions of negative body image and the desire to be thin. The reported effects remained significant at follow-up. No clear differences between US and German samples could be found on any of the outcome measures at postintervention. In conclusion, StudentBodies seems equally suitable and effective for American and German students.



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