首页> 外文期刊>Environmental microbiology >Persistence and cell culturability of biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 under plough pan conditions in soil and influence of the anaerobic regulator gene anr

Persistence and cell culturability of biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 under plough pan conditions in soil and influence of the anaerobic regulator gene anr


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Certain fluorescent pseudomonads can protect plants from soil-borne pathogens, and its important to understand how these biocontrol agents survive in soil. The persistence of the biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0-Rif under plough pan conditions was assessed in non-sterile soil microcosms by counting total cells (immunofluorescence microscopy), intact cells (BacLight membrane permeability test), viable cells (Kogure's substrate-responsiveness test) and culturable cells (colony counts on selective plates) of th inoculant. Viable but non-culturable cells of CHA0-Rif (10~6 cells g~(-1) soil) were fund in flooded microcosms amended with fermentable organic matter, in which the soil redox potential was low (plough pan conditions), in agreement with previous observations of plough pan samples from a field inoculated with CHA0-Rif. However, viable but non-culturable cells were not found in unamended flooded, amended unflooded or unamended unflooded (i.e. control) microcosms, suggesting that such cells resulted from exposure of CHA0-Rif to a combination of low redox potential and oxygen limitation in soil. CHA0-Rif is strictly aerobic. Its anaerobic regulator ANR is activated by low oxygen concentrations and its controls production of the biocontrol metabolite hydrogen cyanide under microaerophilic conditions. Under plough pan conditions, an anr-deficient mutant of CHA0-Rif and its complemented derivative displayed the same persistence pattern as CHA0-Rif, indicating that anr was not implicated in the formation of viable but non-culturable cells of this strain at the plough pan.
机译:某些荧光假单胞菌可以保护植物免受土壤传播的病原体的侵害,了解这些生物防治剂如何在土壤中生存很重要。通过计算总细胞数(免疫荧光显微镜),完整细胞数(BacLight膜通透性测试),活细胞数(Kogure的底物反应性测试),在非无菌土壤微观环境中评估了生物控制菌株荧光假单胞菌CHA0-Rif在犁盘条件下的持久性。和接种菌的可培养细胞(菌落在选择板上)。 CHA0-Rif(10〜6细胞g〜(-1)土壤)的存活但不可培养的细胞是在淹没的微观世界中用可发酵的有机物质修正的,土壤中的氧化还原电位很低(犁pan条件下)以前观察到的是从CHA0-Rif接种田里获得的犁samples样品。但是,在未经修正的淹没,未经修正的未淹没或未经修正的未淹没(即对照)微观世界中未发现有活力但不可培养的细胞,这表明此类细胞是由CHA0-Rif暴露于土壤中低氧化还原电势和氧气限制的组合所致。 CHA0-Rif严格有氧运动。低氧浓度可激活其厌氧调节剂ANR,并在微需氧条件下控制生物防治代谢产物氰化氢的生产。在犁盘条件下,CHA0-Rif及其互补衍生物的anr缺陷型突变体表现出与CHA0-Rif相同的持久性模式,这表明ar并不参与该菌株在犁中的存活但不可培养的细胞的形成。泛。



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