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The role of pH in determining the species compositionof the human colonic microbiota


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The pH of the colonic lumen varies with anatomicalsite and microbial fermentation of dietary residue.We have investigated the impact of mildly acidic pH,which occurs in the proximal colon, on the growth ofdifferent species of human colonic bacteria in pureculture and in the complete microbial community.Growth was determined for 33 representative humancolonic bacteria at three initial pH values (approxi-mately 5.5, 6.2 and 6.7) in anaerobic YCFA medium,which includes a mixture of short-chain fatty acids(SCFA) with 0.2% glucose as energy source. Repre-sentatives of all eight Bacteroides species testedgrew poorly at pH 5.5, as did Escherichia coli,whereas 19 of the 23 Gram-positive anaerobes testedgave growth rates at pH 5.5 that were at least 50% ofthose at pH 6.7. Growth inhibition of B. thetaiotaomi-cron at pH 5.5 was increased by the presence of theSCFA mix (33 mM acetate, 9 mM propionate and 1 mMeach of iso-valerate, valerate and iso-butyrate). Analy-sis of amplified 16S rRNA sequences demonstrated amajor pH-driven shift within a human faecal bacterialcommunity in a continuous flow fermentor. Bacteroi-des spp. accounted for 27% of 16S rRNA sequencesdetected at pH 5.5, but 86% of sequences at pH 6.7.Conversely, butyrate-producing Gram-positive bacte-ria related to Eubacterium rectale represented 50% ofall 16S rRNA sequences at pH 5.5, but were notdetected at pH 6.7. Inhibition of the growth of a majorgroup of Gram-negative bacteria at mildly acidic pHapparently creates niches that can be exploited bymore low pH-tolerant microorganisms.
机译:结肠腔的pH值随解剖部位和饮食残渣的微生物发酵而变化。我们研究了近端结肠中的弱酸性pH对纯培养和整个微生物群落中不同种类结肠菌生长的影响。在厌氧YCFA培养基中以三种初始pH值(约5.5、6.2和6.7)确定了33种代表性人类结肠菌的生长,其中YCFA培养基包括短链脂肪酸(SCFA)和0.2%葡萄糖的混合物。在pH 5.5时,测试的所有8种拟杆菌属的代表生长都不好,大肠杆菌在23种革兰氏阳性厌氧菌中有19种在pH 5.5时的生长率至少是在pH 6.7时的50%。由于存在SCFA混合物(33 mM乙酸盐,9 mM丙酸和1 mMeach异戊酸,戊酸和异丁酸)的存在,在pH 5.5下对Thetaiotaomi-cron的生长抑制作用增强。扩增的16S rRNA序列的分析表明,在连续流动发酵罐中,人类粪便细菌群落中存在pH值驱动的主要变化。细菌杆菌占pH 5.5时检测到的16S rRNA序列的27%,但在pH 6.7时检测到的序列占86%。相反,与真细菌有关的产丁酸盐的革兰氏阳性细菌占pH 5.5时所有16S rRNA序列的50%,但未被检测到在pH 6.7。在弱酸性的pH值下抑制大部分革兰氏阴性细菌的生长显然会产生壁ni,这些壁by可以被更耐低pH值的微生物利用。



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