首页> 外文期刊>Environmental microbiology >Alcanivorax which prevails in oil-contaminated seawater exhibits broad substrate specificity for alkane degradation

Alcanivorax which prevails in oil-contaminated seawater exhibits broad substrate specificity for alkane degradation


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Alcanivorax is an alkane-degrading marine bacterium which propagates and becomes predominant in crude-oil-containing seawater when nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients are supplemented. In order to understand why Alcanivorax overcomes other bacteria under such cultural conditions, competition experiments between Alcanivorax indigenous to seawater and the exogenous alkane-degrading marine bacterium, Acinetobacter venetianus strain T4, were conducted. When oil-containing seawater supplemented with nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients was inoculated with A. venetianus strain T4, this bacterium was the dominant population at the early stage of culture. However, its density began to decrease after day 6, and Alcanivorax predominated in the culture after day 20. The crude-oil-degrading profiles of both bacteria were therefore investigated. Alcanivorax borkumensis strain ST-T1 isolated from the Sea of Japan exhibited higher ability to degrade branched alkanes (pristane and phytane) than A. venetanus strain T4. It seems that this higher ability of Alcanivorax to degrade branched alkanes allowed this bacterium to predominate in oil-containing seawater. It is known that some marine zooplanktons produce pristane and Alcanivorax may play a major role in the biodegradation of pristane in seawater.
机译:Alcanivorax是一种降解烷烃的海洋细菌,当补充氮和磷营养素时,它会在含原油的海水中繁殖并占主导地位。为了理解为什么Alcanivorax在这种培养条件下能克服其他细菌,在海水中固有的Alcanivorax与外源降解烷烃的海洋细菌棘孢不动杆菌T4进行了竞争实验。当用A. venetianus菌株T4接种含氮和磷营养素的含油海水时,该细菌是培养初期的主要种群。但是,其密度在第6天后开始下降,并且在培养后第20天Alcanivorax在培养物中占主导地位。因此,研究了两种细菌的​​原油降解特性。从日本海中分离出的阿尔卡诺瓦(Alcanivorax borkumensis)菌株ST-T1的分解支链烷烃(rist烷和植烷)的能力比A. venetanus菌株T4更高。 Alcanivorax降解支链烷烃的更高能力似乎使该细菌在含油海水中占主导地位。已知某些海洋浮游动物会产生p烷,而Alcanivorax可能在海水中rist烷的生物降解中起主要作用。



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