首页> 外文期刊>Environmental microbiology >Distribution and abundance of uncultured heterotrophic flagellates in the world oceans

Distribution and abundance of uncultured heterotrophic flagellates in the world oceans


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Heterotrophic flagellates play fundamental roles in marine ecosystems as picoplankton grazers. This recognized importance contrasts with our ignorance of the taxonomic composition of this functional group, which remains mostly unidentified by microscopical and culturing approaches. Recent molecular marine surveys based on 18S rDNA genes have retrieved many sequences unrelated to cultured organisms and marine stramenopiles were among the first reported uncultured eukaryotes. However, little is known about the organisms corresponding to these sequences. Here we determine the abundance of several marine stramenopile lineages in surface marine waters using molecular probes and fluorescent in situ hybridization. We show that these protists are free-living bacterivorous heterotrophic flagellates. They were widely distributed, occurring in the five world oceans, and accounted for a significant fraction (up to 35%) of heterotrophic flagellates in diverse geographic regions. A single group, MAST-4, represented 9% of cells within this functional assemblage, with the intriguing exception of polar waters where it was absent. MAST-4 cells likely contribute substantially to picoplankton grazing and nutrient re-mineralization in vast areas of the oceans and represent a key eukaryotic group in marine food webs.
机译:异养鞭毛虫在海洋生态系统中作为微浮游生物放牧者发挥着重要作用。这种公认的重要性与我们对这个功能组的分类学组成的无知形成了鲜明对比,而这一点在显微镜和培养方法中仍然大多未被发现。最近基于18S rDNA基因的分子海洋调查已检索到许多与培养生物无关的序列,而海洋Stramenopiles是最早报道的未培养真核生物之一。但是,对于与这些序列相对应的生物知之甚少。在这里,我们使用分子探针和荧光原位杂交技术确定了表层海水中几个海洋层茎线虫谱系的丰度。我们表明这些原生生物是自由生活的细菌异养鞭毛。它们广泛分布于世界五大洋中,占不同地理区域异养鞭毛的很大一部分(高达35%)。单个组MAST-4代表了该功能组合中9%的细胞,其中极少的极地水除外。 MAST-4细胞可能在大面积的海洋中为浮游植物的放牧和营养物质的再矿化做出了重要贡献,并代表了海洋食物网中的一个关键的真核生物群体。



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