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Digitized version of the state soil map on a scale of 1:1 m: problems and solutions.

机译:状态土壤图的数字化版本,比例为1:1 m:问题和解决方案。

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Problems of the creation of a high-quality digitized version of the State Soil Map (SSM) on a scale of 1:1 M for the European part of Russia are discussed. Sheets of the SSM have been compiled for the entire territory of Russia. For the European part of Russia, they have been digitized, and a corresponding geographic information system has been created. At present, the attribute database to the map is being developed. In the course of the digitization of separate sheets of the map and the creation of a general legend, certain drawbacks of the map have been revealed. They are related to the insufficient completeness of information on the genesis of soil-forming rocks shown on different sheets; to the inconsistency in the names of some soils; and to the use of the same conventional signs for describing the soil texture in the upper horizons and in the parent material, which is incorrect in the case of texture-differentiated soils. The reasons for these drawbacks of the original map are explained. It is stressed that the SSM is a highly informative map that has played a crucial role in the development of pedology and soil cartography in Russia. A digitized version of this map makes it possible to introduce certain corrections to the original map sheets. The essence of the first stage of the work on the correction of the SSM in the digitized version and the methods applied for this purpose are characterized. Problems related to the creation of the database for the digitized version of this map are also discussed.Notes Translated from Pochvovedenie (2012) 4, 387-397 (Ru).
机译:讨论了为俄罗斯的欧洲部分创建比例尺为1:1 M的高质量数字化国家土壤地图(SSM)的问题。 SSM的工作表已针对俄罗斯整个领土进行了汇编。对于俄罗斯的欧洲部分,已对其进行了数字化处理,并创建了相应的地理信息系统。目前,正在开发地图的属性数据库。在对地图的单独页面进行数字化和创建一般图例的过程中,地图的某些缺点已被发现。它们与显示在不同薄片上的成岩岩石的成因信息不充分有关;某些土壤名称不一致;并使用相同的常规符号来描述上层和母体中的土壤质地,这在质地不同的土壤中是不正确的。解释了原始地图存在这些缺点的原因。需要强调的是,SSM是一个高度信息化的地图,在俄罗斯的土壤学和土壤制图学的发展中发挥了至关重要的作用。该地图的数字化版本可以对原始地图进行某些更正。表征了数字化版本中校正SSM的第一阶段工作的实质以及为此目的所采用的方法。还讨论了与该地图的数字化版本的数据库创建有关的问题。注释翻译自 Pochvovedenie (2012) 4 ,387-397(Ru)。



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