首页> 外文期刊>Eurasian Soil Science >Methane emission from bogs in the subtaiga of Western Siberia: The development of standard model

Methane emission from bogs in the subtaiga of Western Siberia: The development of standard model


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The methane emission from typical bog landscapes of the West Siberian subtaiga was studied in the summer-autumn of 2007-2010. The lowest specific fluxes (the median value is 0.08 mg C-CH4/m2 per h) were recorded from ryams (raised bogs with dwarf shrub-sphagnum associations). From the ridges of the ridge-pool complexes, the fluxes were estimated at 0.49 mg C-CH4/m2 per h; from the oligotrophic hollows, eutrophic bogs, floating lake mats, and mesotrophic quaking bogs, they were estimated at 2.68, 3.36, 4.53, and 4.98 mg C-CH4/m2 per h, respectively. The maximal flux was determined from the lakes (the median is 17.98 mg C-CH4/m2 per h). The regional assessment of the methane flux from the bogs of Western Siberia (2.93 Tg C-CH4/yr) was obtained on the basis of the authors’ and literature data.
机译:在2007年至2010年夏季,研究了西西伯利亚subtaiga典型沼泽景观中的甲烷排放。从黑麦(矮矮灌木-水草相关的高架沼泽)中记录到最低的比通量(中值是每小时0.08 mg C-CH4 / m2)。从山脊-池络合物的山脊中,通量估计为每小时0.49 mg C-CH4 / m2;从贫营养的凹陷,富营养的沼泽,漂浮的湖面垫层和中营养的地震沼泽中,估计它们分别为每小时2.68、3.36、4.53和4.98 mg C-CH4 / m2。确定了来自湖泊的最大通量(中位数为每小时17.98 mg C-CH4 / m2)。根据作者和文献数据,对西西伯利亚沼泽的甲烷通量进行了区域评估(2.93 Tg C-CH4 / yr)。



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