首页> 外文期刊>Eurasian Soil Science >The content of microelements and iron in soils and plants in the basin of lake Kotokel' in Western Transbaikalia.

The content of microelements and iron in soils and plants in the basin of lake Kotokel' in Western Transbaikalia.


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The content of microelements (Mn, Zn, Cu, Co, Ni, Cr, Pb, and Cd) and Fe is determined in the soils and plants of the Lake Kotokel' basin. Their content in the soils is proved not to exceed the regional background and the existing MPC and APC. The content of Cd is revealed to exceed its clarke value for the world soils, which is related to the natural origin of this element. The concentrations of Mn, Co, and Pb are close to their clarke values, and those of Zn, Cu, Ni, and Cr are lower than their clarkes. The studied soils are specified by the maximal amount of the mobile forms of microelements. The profile distribution of the microelements differs depending on the genetic soil type. For Mn, Zn, and Cu, a significant biogenic accumulation is pronounced in the organic soil horizons. The content of microelements in the aboveground phytomass exceeds the maximal permissible levels for Mn, Co, Cr, and Fe. The intensity of the microelements absorption by the plants varies widely, being specified by the high coefficient of the biological adsorption (except for Fe). Mn, Zn, and Cu are accumulated in the plant phytomass the most intensely.Notes Translated from Pochvovedenie (2012) 4, 429-438 (Ru).
机译:在科托克尔湖盆地的土壤和植物中测定了微量元素(锰,锌,铜,钴,镍,铬,铅和镉)和铁的含量。事实证明,它们在土壤中的含量不超过区域背景以及现有的MPC和APC。镉的含量超过世界土壤的克拉克值,这与该元素的天然来源有关。 Mn,Co和Pb的浓度接近其克拉克值,而Zn,Cu,Ni和Cr的浓度低于其克拉克。所研究的土壤由微量元素的可移动形式的最大量确定。微量元素的分布取决于基因土壤的类型。对于锰,锌和铜,在有机土壤层中有明显的生物累积。地上植物中微量元素的含量超过了Mn,Co,Cr和Fe的最大允许含量。植物对微量元素的吸收强度变化很大,这是由高生物吸附系数(Fe除外)确定的。锰,锌和铜在植物茎秆中的积累最强。注释摘录自《植物生物学》(Pochvovedenie (2012) 4 ,429-438(Ru))。



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